
Yes, assuming you've seen the meat of the actual series the title works absolutely fine, but to anybody who hasn't seen the show the simplicity of the title (and the other things mentioned) suggest the opposite of the actual depth and quality of the show.

I had to be beaten into watching it, but it's really good. It looks pretty too.

Does Jackie Chan's copper fedora work for or against your enthusiasm?

I do like how Adrien Brody has seemingly willed himself into an action hero/heavy. He looks like he weighs a buck twenty, and he's 80% nose and adam's apple, but somehow he makes it work.

I can't get over how ridiculous Cusack looks in every frame/still I've seen of Dragon Blade. It looks soooo horrible.

I like how McDonald's poop smells exactly like the McDonald's food. It's reassuring.

It's always fun to remember that Nolte is 74, and has a daughter who's currently eight years old. I like to imagine every single one of their conversations end with an exasperated Nolte saying something like "Who let you in here? Listen kid, you've got to shut the fuck up before I kill you."

To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us is not specifically too good.

Hey, I didn't say I wanted to do the job well. I'll manage the mascots.

I think the line gets blurry particularly in the case of film directors because the director is almost acting as proxy for the viewer when creating a film. Spending a couple hours within a world entirely invented by a creep is understandably more off-putting than spending a few moments looking at a painting or photo

Coach Taylor from FNL! Mostly just because it's a cheap and immediate way to gain an awesome father figure, but assistant-coaching high school football also seems relatively calm compared to some of these more high-profile examples. Plus you'd get to sup up all the rewards for coach T's prowess at coaching football

I'm wondering if this is a hidden indicator of age. Someone scribbling in a notebook did not used to be so rare that one could only be an artist or a reporter, you could just be one of a million journaling-in-public-for-attention douchebags.

The pedant inside me can't be restrained from writing that there is tons of biological evidence which dictates that in cases of strictly hauling weight judging by sex makes general sense. That said, there's certainly some room for common sense and assuming that any large person who has a job regularly hauling

Damn it, I'm going to pretend I never heard that, because I know the song itself will make my ears bleed.

That's close to how I felt about this horrible Coor's Light jingle:

It's even more ridiculous if you get a little man on man action, as they still use the same motion captures that are all obviously meant for a female character, so all of a sudden that knight/noble that was giving you hunting quests for the first 40 hours of the game is suddenly prancing around the campfire like a

I like the romance in the Dragon's Dogma series, because usually I didn't even know it was progressing until I got to the conclusion and my character was suddenly having hot gay campfire sex with one of the random mission-givers.

I know who left those smokes behind.

Oscar Isaac has turned into a hell of an actor. He first jumped out to me from his small role in Drive, coming off as the most realistic/human character within that abstract universe, and he always kind of sticks out for the same reasons. More than anything else his conversations and dialog flow wonderfully, and feel