
Hey, Skillinger…

You win this round of disappointed Public Enemy stories.

I agree. Anarchic is a good way to describe Yo! It was still an absolute revelation at the time, as a political statement that redefined whatever rap was supposed to be, yet it still maintained a touch of the party/boasting style of the time, which was missing from much of their later catalog as Chuck and PE slowly

That sounds fun. When I saw them they just half-heartedly lip-synced over the top of their records.

I saw PE on the Welcome to the Terrordome tour. Should've been awesome. Was not.

Get a job like your mother, I heard she fixes old dryers.

….a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free burrito or he'll press charges.

That was the complete bill of the show I saw, but those bands all certainly could've played at one or more Lollapaloozas.

Conversely, I saw L7 with Sonic Youth and the Beastie Boys and don't remember a moment of L7's set.

It sounds laughably ridiculous and stupid when talking about something like football, but then I remember that the CIA, FBI, and all federal, state and local law enforcement offices operate under those same investigational procedures, and I go cry in the corner.

Hey, Skillinger…

"NO! The Righteous Brothers!" gets me every time.

Bard, duh. Which does indeed suck.

It sounded like a pretty good idea, on paper, didn't it? The reality ended up being absolutely horrible television. I ended up hating every single person involved. Well done, UFC?

…as evidenced by Shonie Carter bedazzling his pimp cup. I enjoyed that season a lot as well, at least partially because of it's high Matt Sera content. I also agree that the show is at its worst when its trying to mine conflict for conflict's sake, and is actually more interesting when focused on the training & fight

I'd offer that the show's tone changes again through these last two seasons, though less remarkably.

He didn't say buddy nearly enough in this first episode. I swear in the first season Scott's dialogue was made up entirely of sentences containing at least one use of "fuck" and/or "buddy". "Fuck, buddy, he almost got me!" "Buddy, we gotta get the fuck out of here!"

If anything this show's gotten worse and more formulaic/predictable in the time since you stopped watching…..but it's also less reliant on those contrived Cinemax sex scenes, for better or worse.

Zach is THEE absolute fucking worst. I am entirely unsure if the kid playing him deserves praise, scorn, or sympathy for playing such a wholly worthless character.

I like(d) to get my reality fix from the UFC's Ultimate Fighter. It has some of the traditional reality trappings of shoving a bunch of people into a ridiculous house and removing all outside influences/media in order to incite conflict, but rather than constantly teasing you with the possibility of some sort of