
My feelings about Strike Back are conflicted. It's tons of fun and a great looking show….but it used to be a smart (well, at least smartER), sexy, fun and great looking show.

I'm with you. The whole band sounds like they're set up for a shitty holiday jazz sampler. They both have relatively pretty voices, but that song made me feel like I was shopping for bedding.

Every interview/promo/clip/highlight I've ever seen of Piper in my entire life hinted at a dude who was going to die of an early heart attack, so I like to think that going out at 61 means he met his destiny to some degree, rather than being another worn out body for the pile of too-early departed.

I like how even when dealing with two of the biggest power players in the business, passive-aggressive showbiz rules still apply: "Michael, I could've called you or your assistant and simply told you that you didn't get the role, but figured it would be better to do it as indirectly and vaguely as I possibly could,

Hey now, I've actually seen Michael Winslow doing something resembling live comedy on TV recently. It was soul-crushingly desperate, on one of those channels that has to show infomercials 80% of the time to pay the bills, but he's still making the scene, man.

Before MTV added any kind of content outside of music videos us crusty '80s kids had to mine our weird ass TV (and animation) from Night Flight on ye olde USA Network at like 3 in the morning.

That particular style of "I obviously tried really hard to make sure that everything I'm wearing clashes as much as possible, in order to posture as if I haven't tried at all" really offends my old man sensibilities.

Face Dances/It's Hard are records that calls up visceral memories of the times better than most supposed milestones of the era (or at least the singles do). Every obvious hit of the '80s has been so successfully shoved down our throats for the past 30 years that it takes a song like "You Better You Bet" to evoke those

I wasn't particularly expecting much, but this dude was totally game. Engaging, great sense of humor, good insight, and willing to share humorous anecdotes.

The lead photo looks like someone who has clearly never seen a donut before. "So this is how you eat it, right guys? You just lean it against it your lower lip and suck the air off the top?"

Get a job like your mother, I heard she fixes old dryers.

The Golden Cups from Japan slayed Hey Joe in 1968. The bass line is absolutely nuts, and there's like a 3-minute spooky psychedelic breakdown:

Lords of Salem was so allllllmost good. Except that it wasn't.

Muscle Shoals has got the Swampus.

Don't summon the HammerBoner!

Who the fuck is Bonny Bear?

Single women and black people? 50 years ago there were whole swaths of folks who couldn't get an education regardless of intelligence or work ethic, and as a result they made up a large portion of the service industry, and that's likely who you would find manning most of the diners or boarding houses of the day.

Ugh. As if the Spin Doctors' music wasn't offensive enough, every mention also conjures up hazy visions of their dingy singer mugging with that weird '90s hippy-palsy.

Paying $200 for a pair of Sennheiser's kind of defeat's the whole point of the brand, doesn't it?

Spandau Ballet already had this shit covered, yo.