
I read that as "That kid has Valerie Bertinelli's tits.", and it's not entirely untrue.

I saw DLR in the early '90s, backed by 3 Armenian brothers, in some tiny ass club. He was probably blowing through the same tired, rehearsed bits that he did every night, but the rockers were eating that shit up, and the floor was shaking. Still one of the best concert's I've ever been to. Eddie and Alex can suck it.

M.U.L.E. on the C64 was also my jams,8,1

A knife in his neck made a polar bear spit up.

I so wanted to post this quote.

Like many here apparently, I've long, loooong harbored a crush on Gugino. I couldn't fart out one interesting interview, let alone the million she's probably been through at this point, but this was among the most dry and humorless of these columns that I've read. Ironically, considering the final question, my

What a Hulk Hogan documentary might look like:

Butt-rock doesn't water anything down, it pushes it to the limit. That's also how we invented Pizza Hut and American style IPA's.

Yeah, in a lot of comedies it feels like a lot of characters share the same voice, and will set-up a joke/punchline like bad standup. B99's personalities are almost cartoon-like in their overstatement, but the show's been great at keeping all of the characters very distinct, and using their comic differences within

Ditto. Let's just be glad she's so deeply entrenched within a feedback loop already stocked with millions of sycophantic dipshits to help her slog through the boudoir photo shoots, and fawning, soft-lens interviews that usually give so many transitioning folks trouble, in those delicate first weeks after pushing

A quick sort of the Beatles songs in my interminable shitty mega-playlist yields my differences/preferences:

I used to be the worst kind of bastard who would spit on people with disdain if they got into any group via their greatest hits….but now, thanks to age, complete lack of an attention span, and the instant gratification of the internet, that's right where my crusty ass goes whenever I want to check out something new.

Oddly enough, I've never seen more than 5 minutes of Magical Mystery Tour….I just can't stomach it! It's only odd because the record is like a cherished relic to me, as one of my earliest memories is of my mom giving me money & letting me pick that out my first record, as a 4-year old in some 1975 Ann Arbor record

I pretty much agree with you, and I loves me some Beatles. A quick scan of my computer's shitty mega-playlist reveals that I gladly skip 10 of the above songs.

It's true! I can easily imagine even they just threw it on there to fill time. That said:


Back In The U.S.S.R. is kind of unassailable…but I skip it all the time. I dunno if it was just overplayed in my '80s classic rock youth (seems you don't hear it nearly as much these days), or maybe it has just a touch too much novelty/homage for me. Baby You're a Rich Man all the way, for my monies.

You know how I decide who gets my vast Kickstarter monies, Nimoy:

In the future, all female AV Club posters shall wear their hair loosely about the shoulders….

I feel like being non-judgmental about this decision is completely fair….I also feel like abandoning all judgment when it comes to Caitlyn as a person is ridiculous. Personally, the fact that Caitlyn is a rich, white, vain, conservative, Republican douchebag who has directly and indirectly promoted misogyny and