
Come on now. Parsons neck clearly demands choking.

E is my #1 most punchable character in television history. In his defense, it's probably tough to get through life with a resting face that suggests you're an infuriatingly smug dipshit.

Are they eating deep fried dog paws?

I was numbly half-watching some insurance ad the other day, and they were pitching the idea of making small additional payments to safeguard you from rising premiums…..it slowly dawned on me that they were trying to sell me insurance insurance.

Tinker, Wrestler, Preppie

DJ Qualls

Yeah. It doesn't seem particularly fair to pick on Sixteen Candles/Hughes, considering that nearly every decent comedy from the '80s contains despicable racist overtones and rapey vibes. That's about as joyless an exercise as picking apart Marx Brothers movies for their racist moments. Forget it Jake, it's the '80s.

I am the eyes and ears of this institution, my friends.

On the telephone?!?

"Boys" is just the fucking worst. I loves me some Beatles, but seriously: fucking "Boys", gaaagghhh. Ringo gets a lot of undeserved guff for his drumming, but honestly all of the songs considered "his" Beatles' songs pretty much suck ass, and his solo shit is even worse. "No No Song"? "Back Off Boogaloo"? *shudder*

Oh! Hell no to the Fallon show. Likewise, I spent a couple seconds trying to think of the closest drag bar before remembering that there's a bar with monthly drag & burlesque shows literally around the corner on my very block, which I've never even stepped a foot in, which probably speaks to my attraction to

Sorry. I'm probably the guiltiest of parties in using that particular term, and it's the kind of thing that sounds appropriate once, coming out of my own mouth, but seems less so every time I see it again, or look at it through someone else's eyes. While the costuming/performance act is very similar, the balance of

Heh. That was kind of a half-baked comparison that I didn't expect would be the center of any scrutiny. I'll cop to the fact that the Jeffersons wasn't "ghetto", and I will certainly concede to the greatness of both theme songs.

Ha. The catch is that although I find this show and the meta-topic of the drag lifestyle super fascinating, the drag performance part is the part that actually interests me the least. Particularly, lip-syncing is super boring, and from the viewing side I have almost zero interest in seeing just someone's drag persona

As I blabbered about down thread, I struggle with these issues whenever I watch the show, but they also fascinate me. I think that you're right, that the show basically revels in harmful stereotypes of gay men, as promiscuous, stupid, and sex/drug obsessed, catty bitches, and it took someone else a few months ago to

I am curious about all the obvious and tired straight dude questions, so excuse me while I kind of ask them vaguely to myself. I watch the show semi-religiously, and I don't struggle with any of the typical individual "gay panic" issues, so much as I worry about my meta-role as a kind of outside voyeur, and whether

Hey Joe + meth:

*mimes nonexsitent slap-bass intro to Voodoo Chile*

That monkey has better looking teeth than I do. This makes me very sad.