
But you also have to experience Octopus' Garden, Yellow Submarine, and Backdoor Boogaloo multiple times a day, every day.

I have a group of half-a-dozen friends who I trade mix-CDs with every year (we're old enough to still require some sort of physical form to be passed around), and I keep threatening that my next one is just going to be a return to form, with the CD equivalent of one of these. Just 80 minutes of a crusty 40 year old

For folks of a certain age ('70s kids?) tape recorders were an integral part of childhood. All my friends have shared memories of making crappy tape recordings like in the article, which we surely thought were genius at the time. Field recordings, lots of impressions/interviews of horrible '70s celebrities, and then

…not even the younglings survived.

I think the crucial difference is that celebrity-level success for an musician implies the handing over of some level of control over their creative output, and that moment usually comes at/near the moment of their greatest success and relevance. Athletes, or business men, or actors, aren't necessarily faced with

There is plenty of room for argument about whether Teen Spirit is anything near their best song, that's for certain. I'd argue that what made that song special was the distinctive, anthemic hook and fill that started the song, and while plenty of other groups (and Nirvana themselves) may have recorded dozens of songs


I was watching some '80s and '90s performance videos the other days, and wondering the same thing, while watching the crowds and remembering some of that vibe.

That's a good point. I think the '80s were kind of a unique muisc era because it had perhaps the biggest divide between independent music and mainstream industry. The industry got distracted by refining their machine to some degree, and while they were working on plugging out manufactured music and artists, the

Nirvana will always kinda be my version of Woodstock. I had just graduated from HS in 1989 in Portland, OR, when Bleach was released , and had just started to going to "real shows" maybe a year or two earlier, so everything was still fresh and absolutely pivotal to my wide eyes, and the Seattle scene bled over into

Yeah, I feel like something similar is on display when folks glaze over watching stuff like the Kardashians, where that hardwired cultural need to wallow in fame and wealth and attention makes it easy to willfully ignore the fact that everybody is obviously fundamentally unhappy.

Kurt was kind of the first artist to get to taste the modern definition of celebrity branding. It must have been shocking to see industry constructed clones of himself appear almost overnight. Whatever sliver of command he managed to maintain over himself and his own career, he was seemingly so sensitive that he

I think it's obviously a lot harder to reach a comfortable medium between fame and success as an artist than most folks realize when they start chasing that dream. There's certainly plenty of broke folks, within all sides of the fame spectrum, but achieving any kind of financial success generally requires the level

You've obviously never tasted a doughnut from Voodoo.

For most of my middle & high school years the prime, 4 o'clock, just after school spot was filled by two shows: Little House on the Prairie, and Star Trek, and they'd switch off at one point in the spring, and then back in the fall. As a result I came to resent Little House very much, because whenever it was on Star

Still not as obnoxious as beer or wine people. God forbid anybody accidentally stumble into an e-cig/vape conversation.

Load "*",8,1 all day, e'ry day.

I'm not against making unconventional casting choices, and I can understand why Common would want to act, but I don't understand why anybody would cast him. He's made dozens and dozens of acting appearances to the point that he's not a novice, his presence has long worn off any sort of novelty, and you'd think the

Maybe I did. Does it look like a dusty can of tuna?

To paraphrase a favorite crazy rumor and The River's Edge, after Night Court Markie Post got so much Hillary Clinton pussy her beard looked like a glazed donut.