
Just drop him off alone in the middle of some hamlet, and then a couple hours later he'll just slide out of the shadows "Oh hhhhhhhey, Viet Cong. Can I hhhhave some of your rice?"

Kris-10, get down on your stabilizers so subR.E.N.A. can see your interface port…

That's only in the morning.

I don't want to stay out here anymore. I want to come back inside.

I was kind of hoping that the finale would somehow involve Wynn Duffy summoning a psychopathic Judd Hirsch to raze the place, revealing that this had all taken place inside the twisted wreckage of the Dear John universe.

On the show, The Game will “[enlist] the help of his celeb friends,” each of whom will pick out a woman “to accompany the platinum-selling artist on his national tour this summer.”

So, ummm, one of my aunt's husband's best friends is Pete Leonard, Elmore's son, and while I never met either of them, during one Christmas visit I watched Elmore Leonard's Academy Awards screener copy of "The Rum Diaries", which my uncle had borrowed. The end. How's about that for some gripping writing?

Torfleson's law: Arrive having eaten.

Bob's Red Mill is the shiiiit, yo. Sometimes living in Portland is annoying, but on the plus side there's like 80 thousand varieties of Red Mill stuffs in every nearby super market. Y'all prob'ly know, but they've also got like a dozen different pancake mixes, all of which are delicious. And grits. And cream of wheat.

I'm sorry, I can't resist the temptation for some Cynthia Rothrock based internet pedantry:

This does not surprise me.

Agreed. Personally, I think The Thing, The Shining, and Alien are the three best horror movies ever made (with an obvious bias towards my own teenage years). Someone could make the argument that any one is the "better" movie, and I wouldn't necessarily disagree, because they all have their high points and particular

That song is horrible. It's almost tragic to read that Perry apparently didn't appreciate the band or the album all that much either…imagine how horrible it would be if that was "your song", and you were fully aware of how much it sucked.

The world needs ditch diggers too.

It's kinda great with the ridges being out of frame, because then he looks less like a klingon and more like Anton Chigurh from an elementary school production of No Country for Old Men.

This is tranya. I hope you relish it as much as I.

I don't trust this fellow. Rocky or We Will Rock You as entrance music is just too obvious. Then he's all "Oh! I love country music…..but I've never actually been to one of those concert performances". He's a pod person. "I enjoy the golfing, citizen!"

There have been at least a half-dozen times in my life where I've been amazed to find out that William Daniels wasn't Higgins on Magnum P.I. 15 minutes later, I forget again, and the cycle starts anew.

I actually think you might be right, but then again it's an exaggeration, but it's almost fair to say Obama was a shitty president for 6 years, and a good one for the last 6 months. The fact that he won a second term means that I have to begrudgingly give him a mulligan seeing that, as you say, he's finally saying

Fair enough. Personally, I'm in the too little, too late camp. Most of the recent changes still aren't radical enough for me, and my cynicism makes it hard for me to take any current actions at face value, without pointing at the past, but that said I do think they've certainly moved positively recently, and I'm open