
Talk to some folks in the marijuana business, and they wouldn't paint anywhere near that rosy picture of Holder and Obama, and in his first term particularly he was actually tougher on medical marijuana than Bush. Although the stance has softened somewhat recently, dispensary raids, seizures and medical marijuana

There are several horrible reality shows (on FOX?) that still insist on reminding me of what happened before the last commercial break. Thank you for both implying I'm too stupid to remember what happened 5 minutes ago and/or that your primary audience only watches the 30 minutes in the middle of each show.

You had the Stooges and the MC5 setting the stage for American hard rock in the early 70s, but they never got anywhere near the popularity of Kiss in their heyday. There were a handful of other American "arena rock" bands, like Grand Funk and Aerosmith, who probably shouldn't be mentioned in a discussion with the

Yeah, I think Kiss sold themselves so well that they basically became shorthand for shitty music by assholes, which isn't entirely correct (nor incorrect).

Kiss gets a bad rap these days, in my opinion. The fact that they're undeniably huge assholes whose legacy of commercialism changed the landscape of rock music for the worse shouldn't completely overshadow the fact that they had half-a-dozen legitimately kick ass tunes and put on a hell of a show.

Yeah. The interviews in Part II are pretty great, even considering the staging, but it's undone by the fact that all the live musical acts are pretty much worthless and none of those bands (outside of Megadeth) ever achieved, let alone maintained, any level of relevance. Conversely, Part I is full of great fans,

I swear to God, I hate cops, to the max.

Once again: it's GREAT to be gay, and to be here.

Those are my two faves as well. Last year I discovered that ex-FEAR drummer Spit Stix (AKA Tim Leitch) lives in my town and gives lessons, and as a 40-year old dude with absolutely zero drum experience I still had to sign up, if only for the massive uptick in street cred. Tim is a super cool and chill dude, and I've

Seriously, there has to be like a dozen people left in the world who haven't seen A Knight's Tale, and maybe half-a-dozen people who have seen it before and would like to watch it again, leaving you with a pool of like two dozen possible viewers across the world, yet there it is, twice a day.

I'm a straight dude, and I watch semi-religiously, but I also skip through about half of every episode via the DVR. This could probably be a half-hour show.

I told you, call me "Bricks", man!

"WOOOO! That's a nice fucking sword!" He was so happy! I chortled too.

Brock has to be super stoked to get stuck with the paperwork for "former-Sherrif and Mayor team up to slaughter local military base". Thanks again, Hood!

It's probably worth noting that both Tyson and Leonard also claim to have been sexually abused in their youth (Leonard by an Olympic coach). Yay, boxing?

Works for Ronda Rousey.

The best boxers have trouble rising above the middle ranks of MMA, wrestling has emerged as the sport most conducive to MMA success. Likewise, to Snidely's point, a good wrestler will almost always beat a good boxer under MMA rules.

Ostensibly nuthin'….'til you add the cocaine, PCP, and mom.

Time and some really good music have done a bit to whitewash the fact that Marvin Gaye was a bit of a notorious asshole himself. Gaye beat at least one of his wives, cheated on all of them, loved prostitutes, his mama, himself, pornography, cocaine and PCP a bit too much, and pretty much manipulated his father into

Did you hear that Rod Stewart collapsed and went to the emergency room last night and they pumped a gallon of semen out of his stomach?