
As a little 12 year old I remember trying to program some basic sprites and animation into my Commodore 64. Some magazine I read religiously at the time (Computer Gaming Monthly?) would occasionally post long bits of code (a page or two, which might not sound like much, but try transcribing as a 12-yr old with no

I think there's also something to be said for small stakes….which Star Wars certainly wasn't, but once that set of plucky underdogs had crushed a galactic empire that plot line was a little less exciting every time you saw it trotted out from then on.


Andrew's parents: none more Jersey.

If I want to see awkward rap pretty much all it takes is a live performance. The 'traditional' model of an out-of-breath MC rapping over recorded tracks (in any space larger than a basement) remains just as vital and entertaining as it was 30 years ago: not very. On the other hand, that model seems to be slowly


Sheesh. The 21st century is the age of correction, perhaps thanks most to the evolution of communication over the internet. In face-to-face conversation most folks wouldn't take every opportunity to gleefully correct every tiny error popping out of their conversation-partner's mouth, but that's pretty much how

I wholeheartedly recommend Oz and confirm that it is fucking bananas.

I assume you're mixing the Napa story up with Robson, the Nazi who, later-in-the-series, received a gum transplant donated from a black man, and so decided to cut off his fucking gums with a razor blade.

It's so hard to choose which of the Oz story lines was most ridiculous. I've always been partial to "The state didn't know what to do with these Chinese refugees, so decided to store them in the experimental wing of a maximum security prison."

From the actor's perspective it might not have been too obvious….like, if you've been mumbling "Sister Peter. Sister Peter Marie" for six years, the idea of a death row fashion shoot might not sound so ridiculous.

Sweet Maynard Ferguson shirt.


My mom was kind of a failure of a parent, but at least she had this record. Most of the other kids were forced to make do with their parents' Glen Campbell, or Neil Diamond if they were lucky.

I've always wondered if the almost-stunt-casting of Scott Thompson in Hannibal was some kind of call-back to Chris Elliot's appearance in Manhunter.

Let alone the ones making their own. There's like 3 bee stores in my neighborhood. The idea of paying to fill your yard full of bees is slightly absurd to me.

..and to be fair to Cory, none of these kids are truly any shade of 'normal' kids that just got pulled off the playground, that little dude speaks three languages for cripe's (I was still sampling paste at 8), Cory's just the most conspicuous.

Well now I just don't like him because I'm jealous of a 9-year old. I still swear his glasses don't have lenses, I DVR'ed that shit like Blade Runner. Track 45 and right. Center. Enhance 34 to 36.

I've never even heard of Conquest. The poster looks awesome, but it sounds like it sucks ass…..just like Sword and the Sorcerer, and Krull!

Damnit, I'm wrong again. What do I pay these interns for?