
To expand on this, and go against what appears to be the popular opinion. I actually find Cory kind of repulsive because of all the obvious time and effort that has gone into preparing his look. He just doesn't strike me as a 'real' child, and more like an invention of a casting agent. Someone put a lot of thought

Logan was an effete little dude…and he also said he wanted to be a fashion designer, and his dad is a Republican politician. How many check-boxes does a little guy need to fill out? Joking aside, he didn't strike me as gay, so much as I got the feeling he was exclusively watching whatever was on Bravo at the age when

I'm fairly certain that Cory's glasses don't have any lenses. Even from a nine year old that offends my sensibilities.

What better: glaive or triple-bladed sword that shoots blades?

Tour dates?! These are tomorrow……tomorrow…..tomorrow…..

That never ceases to amuse me. Oz is criminally underrated. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for my death row fashion shoot.

Hey, Skillinger….

"Bitch, I'm Madonna" is such a horrible, desperate song title that I had to give it a listen, and it was even worse than I expected, if only for being so completely unremarkable. I dunno what I was hoping for, but a bland, paint-by-numbers copy of a sing-songy Minaj/Katy Perry track is much, much more sad than

Head East - Never Been Any Reason

Yeah, the commercial breaks on El Rey are insane, because of both frequency and length. They'll run a five minute infomercial for hair extensions, and then ten minutes later they're showing another five minute long block of ads. And as you noted at least half of their advertising is just promos for themselves. But

I first read that as David Faustino, and I'm going to stick with it.

"The whole catalog" is probably a bit of an exaggeration on my part, but it's 250+ movies. They're doling them out slowly, at 1-2 per week, but that's infinitely more than I was getting before. It takes me back to the heady days of watching USA's Kung Fu Theater as a 12 year old.

It's been awhile since I connected with a Rodriguez movie in any way, but he has my endless support and thanks for licensing the entire Shaw Brothers catalog and putting 'em on the El Rey network.

Yeah, these days it's hard not to imagine Cosby telling his rape buddies (I assume he belongs to some sort of Holywood rape club) something along the lines of "..and I'll make him a doctor who just looks at pussy all day, bro!" *high five*

Check out Fred's cleavage, yo.

The problems with a money based conspiracy theory in regards to this particular game is that Dallas is the only team in the league who doesn't participate in the league's merchandise revenue sharing, and Detroit is the only team in the league whose owners (Ford) buy literally hundreds of millions of dollars in NFL

Big Bam BooooooOOOOooooooo!

Sun bear, obviously. With the googly eyes and the long tongue.

I would absolutely love to believe that dude was on the ball, but he remained completely silent through the entire trial and deliberations, aside from hitting on the jury's two teen girls during breaks.

I returned to school in like 2008, as one of those horrible, old 'continuing education' students that everybody hates for holding up every class with interminable questions, and on the first day of classes one of my teachers went around the room making every student declare their favorite band and movie for some