
Let's just say Taylor Swift is NO Taylor Dayne, and leave it at that.

I maintain that (semi-recent Brad Pitt vehicle) "Killing Them Softly" is actually a decent parody/deconstruction of all those kind of post-Tarantino gunfests, that wasn't necessarily recognized as such. It's full of hitmen and criminals, convoluted stick-ups, and intertwining stories, but it seemingly hits the wrong

The tall dude is channeling some '90s Steven Seagal, with a do-rag and faux necklace-badge.

Cutter is the fucking BEST. "I like frosting. Is that so wrong goddamnit?" He's obviously trying hard and has some actual culinary skills and passion, but is entirely unable to kick his palate out of mid-west Americana, and he's seemingly having trouble competing because he's just 15 years behind everybody culturally,

Mother, Can I have some more petite marshmallows in my hot cocoa?

"Your shitty music makes me barf, Loggins!"

Rainier Ale is NEARLY as disgusting as Henry's Ale….maybe the green bottles gave them their extra hangover summoning powers?

It remains unclear whether Eisenberg is still in possession of his points, and/or exactly how high they are sitting.

I absolutely love how every character can barely contain their contempt for Robyn.

What a wonderful fight scene. Fast cuts, shaky close-ups and frantic distraction have long ago become the standard for Hollywood fight scenes, and it was an awesome relief to see a scene that was shot and choreographed so well. It almost felt like a '70s Shaw Brothers movie there, for a second.

The Pixies.

I'm drinking rum!

Listen, I got some beautiful Dior dresses, you want 'em? Pick out a few pieces of 'em.

Julio's my dog.

I think it's untrue to say that there was a double standard between how Richard Sherman and Bill Laimbeer were characterized, and E. Buzz's reply sums that up nicely. I thought the hate for Laimbeer totally crossed racial boundaries, and to my memory folks at the time had no problem labeling him a dirty, rotten thug,

"Going Bananas" is one of the worst fucking movies I've ever seen…..I know that sounds like generic internet hyperbole, but I have seen a LOT of bad fucking movies (and plenty of the Golan Globus/Cannon canon), and it really does deserve to be singled out.

Proceeds the Weedian, Nazareth.

Yeah. It was just a bit too 'on the nose' for me. She didn't feel so much like 'that type of woman' to me, as much as the exact same woman. And it's not the plotting/suggestion that bothers me, just the fact that every woman Don has ever met seems to be written with the exact same voice.

Love the show to bits, but wasn't Neve Campbell pretty much the same goddamn woman that Don Draper keeps meeting, over and over again? They all kinda stare off into the distance and speak in obtuse, unfinished soliloquies. On the surface, they're pretty much all framed as doing nothing, have done nothing, and going