
For being such a wonderful drama, Mad Men generates more belly laughs out of me than almost any other show running. Today it was ol' patchy Ken trying to toss Joan back her earring, and the resultant clang…..that gag wouldn't have been out of place in Airplane. California Pete was a fucking snorter, as well.

That part of town where Peter got stuck driving (say, between 12th & Belmont, and 39th and Hawthorne?) truly can be nerve-wracking. It's a busy part of town, loaded with foot and bike traffic, with a couple of supermarkets packed in for good measure, and lots of the streets are only wide enough for a single car. If

I seriously do not understand the cultural resurgence of The Golden Girls. All the subtlety and charm is/was apparently lost on me….I can't get past that tired setup->zinger->laugh track formula. 'Benson' was equally as funny as 'The Golden Girls' (which is to say: not very) but nobody ever waxes philosophical about

Mark Lindsay, one time teen-idol and lead singer for Paul Revere & the Raiders, both contributed a dubbed voice to this flick, and composed the awesome Moog soundtrack.

Are those real diamonds, Claire? I bet they are.

Three words that epitomized dashed hopes of grand sounds that should have been: "Engineered by Spot"

I would argue that 'Drive' contains one of the best opening scenes in film history, and that 'Pusher I' contains one of the best closing scenes. I'm guessing from the backlash of the comments that this is not a popular opinion, at the moment.

I want to be the cleaning person in Hannibal's office, it's so bea-u-ti-ful. I think the visual element might be the biggest challenge for this show going forward, just because the bar was set so consistently high in season one….there's plenty of shows that started out looking all cinematic, but eventually got tired

Now, Miss ol' Shell has got the swampus.

The rest of this movie is pretty good, but the Blueshammer scene is a true moment of bliss. "If you like the blues you'll LOVE Blueshammer."

You know what would make Ray Donovan a way better show? Getting rid of Ray Donovan. Jon Voight actually ended up being kind of awesome, despite how boring this show was on the whole.

Fishbone (w/opener Living Color) was the first 'real' concert that I ever went to, back in 1988, in the tiny olde Pine Street Theatre in Portland. I had never been to a concert that wasn't in an arena at that point, so I was just kind of enthralled by the scene just as much as the music. I spent at least half the show

My favorite part of this episode was the kids who work at the restaurant trying the dishes. They were way more enthusiastic, and way less knowledgeable than the chefs or the typical Top Chef foodie diner, and as a result I almost trusted their judgment the most. I wish they had ended up with much more screen time.

It's not exactly timely, but I'd like to discuss the ham-handed way that Top Chef perpetually tries to insist that John Besh has great hair. That is not great hair, that's 90's hair…speaking from experience, that's probably the only thing those fine, limp strands will do, once they get longer than an inch or two. You

In the white community you're encouraged to adopt another culture's trappings and mannerisms, and if you don't you are referred to as 'cheesecake', and folks will throw shoes over the telephone wires in front of your house, to mark you as an outcast.

Me too. My teacher also had us watch Star Wars during the whole Joseph Campbell period…really I think she just wanted to take a couple weeks off.

This song fucking sucks. The Scorps have like 3-4 awesome songs and this is definitely not one of them. 20-years later, and out of context, it doesn't really sound all that remarkably bad, but it was on 'hard rock' radio at the time, every hour on the fucking hour, so I'd hear it like 4 times a day at work, on the

I would also like to add my name to the list of those expressing an interest in serving this interview some should-be-five-times-as-long realness.

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Eet's-a Top Chef, not-a Top Scallop!