
Conversely, put "Walking in Memphis" on a jukebox in my vicinity, and your likely to end up with a pencil stuck in your neck.

I'm always horrified to see Chiwetel Ejiofor's name typed out, because it just reminds me how badly I have and will continue to butcher his name in casual conversation. "You know, Chawecki Okafor. Terrific actor. Love his work."

How do you know you were visibly squirming? You watched a tape of you watching a tape of one of your performances, didn't you? That's craft.

I'm having trouble picking out this season's 'invisible man'…which is to say that often the 8th week of some season of Top Chef will roll around, and some cheftestant will pop up as a talking head, and I'll be 'Who the fuck is that?!? Is that guy/gal on this show?' but everybody seems to have gotten a good amount of

I am somewhat surprised to see this get anything above a D. The ads give this thing all the shine of some show filling out TNT's third tier.

In this thread I would like to discuss Paul McCartney's olde-timey vaudeville voice that he only drags out for special occasions. I like to imagine that all of Paul's dreams involve him yelling nonsense at Linda through a big-ass megaphone.

Like beans in a salad?

Clay, look at this guy……..he looks like a little banana.

Nachos come out of the sky, and they stand there!

Rapier Ape?

Me too, @avclub-a073801fcc2a4926908dd20c7d0a4dbe:disqus  Thank God for Jersey Shore (not the first, or last time I'll say that), or else I might've just mistaken that for them trying to shoehorn in some more ham-handed references to Detroit 'culture'. "What up, doe? Let's go get some coneys and not drive cars on

I so wanted to make this joke, but I was totally going to put a dollar sign in 'Ma$h'. My week is ruined. I'm going to go home and cry into my spotted dick.

I watched Tightrope recently, and I want to know where Eastwood got all his super-dark film stock for all his 70s/80s movies, and/or why he hated lighting? Every film Eastwood has ever directed has 3 or 4 sequences that might as well be shot inside a dark, closed closet. I think it's supposed to incite tension, but

I feel like Damon and his crew personify what sucks about this show, and especially when placed in sharp contrast to supporting players like Badger and Skinny Pete, who fill similar tiers of criminal tom-fuckery. Badger and Skinny Pete were interesting because there was some depth to their characters, and they were

Thanks for that thought out reply, @avclub-85e8c95abb4d0498d71f1d5dacd6f5e6:disqus

Yeah, I'm open to the thought that my perception of the quality sliding down a notch may just be my reaction to the slight tonal shift.

These ratings have kind of stumped me, because I feel like the show's taken a couple steps down in quality since last year. I still totally enjoy it, it just seems like there's been kind of a tonal shift.

Smash it! Smash it! Hit it with a hammer and trash it!

Being the owner of a powerboat, and speaking a little conversational French, I think it's safe to say that I know a little something about the music industry, and the obvious answer is Rod Torfulson's Armada, featuring Herman Menderchuck. And/or Crucifictorious.

THE PLAN WAS SOUND, @avclub-827d13c024aecb4d8182846fd5f0c403:disqus !!!