
I'd always assumed Chow directed the first God of Gamblers, since he did the sequels and God of Cookery (which is also awesome). Shows what I know.

@Bitenuker:disqus I do agree with you that Bullock was cast, and the movie crafted, entirely around the idea of the person in peril being more of an everywoman, rather than a super-spaceman. As a result, I can see how the complaint that Bullock doesn't seem like an astronaut rings kind of hollow.

With the disclaimer that I don't want to speak too much for anybody else, because I know this basically sounds like misogyny: I think a lot of the negative reaction to Bullock isn't necessarily that she's a BAD actress (though there's certainly some of that too), so much as a reaction to the feeling that she doesn't

OK with me.

McCabe and Mrs. Miller by a country mile, for me.

And she's lovin' him with that body, I just know it!

As a kid I thought the lyrics in "Sweet Home Alabama" were: "Now, Muscle Shoals has got The Swampus.", and I just assumed The Swampus to be some horrible local monster.

I want to party with that Dino dude. Pretty much all my questions after watching this show were Dino centered. How does Dino make his living? Does it likely involve construction or waste management? What did/does LT's ex-wife think about Dino? Since Dino was LT's omnipresent best buddy, during the many times LT was

Oh how times have changed. Like 3 of the scariest places I've ever been in my life were GWAR concerts, in Portland, in the early '90s.

When I was a kid, one of my friend's fathers drunkenly pulled me aside to let me know that "A union is only as good as the people what's (sic) in it.". Of course, he was talking about an actual labor union (as you would, to any 12 year old), but the logic holds true.

Got more hits than Sadaharu Oh.

I can't complain too much about their decision to lose the skanky 8 year-old. Lord knows it must be tough to play a world-wise, but petulant, whore child, in a period piece, as a 10 year old…but that kid sounded like she was channeling Delta Burke in Designing Women as she kept trying to suck off Corkey. She grossed

I'm trying to decide how to rank the shows-with-good-production-values-but-horrible-dialogue-and-characters-and-writing that I watch. Right now I'm thinking:

I  like this thread idea.

You've certainly got me there.

After watching a bunch of good documentaries semi-recently, I came to a theory that the quality of the doc seems to be inversely proportional to the presence of the narrator/presenter/director….the more invisible the production/producer, the better.

"You also would not know that Richie owns this place and that he sells narcotics here because he's a fucking puke and he likes to pervert kids and stuff?"

So, I've always been a sucker for some good post-rock/metal, and maybe a couple years ago I got really into Pelican, until I wandered into some online discussion (it may have been on this very board) in which someone shared with me a dark secret about Pelican. This secret had such an effect on me that I haven't been

'Big Iron' is close, dude enters town and guns down some other dude. Pretty much all of that 'Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs' album is cut from that same cloth….but it's an awesome cloth.

Purple velvet overalls: