
Austin was first. I detest that shit, and always have. As weird as Portland may be,  that's still some retarded, bumper-sticker philosophy, co-opted from someone else.

Really Rosie was also my jam back in the day. I believe it had a TV show, a record, and a book. Some early media saturation in effect. You get your Carole King, and your Maurice Sendak, that's like mainlining some hippie '70s shit. I wanna put on some Osh Kosh overalls, eat some coconut-covered peanut-butter balls,

Fats man, let me tell you my story…

Didn't someone say "Good looking kid!" at the whorehouse? I spat all over myself. If I ever ran across that kid I would just assume he only understood Foghorn-Leghorn-ese. "I say…I say, look out, boy! It looks like someone dropped a bird's nest on your head, son!"

OK, I'm ready for Bob Bennett to jump off the building now.

That sentence is like the complete opposite of one of those sentences with all the vowels removed, or the grammar mixed up, that people use as examples to show how the human brain can do some impressive on-the-fly version of association and translation.

Simon Rex? Why can't John Sencio catch a break, yo?

Yeah, dare I say that I think all the crying is actually driven subconsciously by the fact that he doesn't think he's a good enough designer to be there anymore (and he's right), and that he's been toeing the elimination line for something like 8 weeks running, which probably isn't good times for a fellow of his

I turned on Daniel this week. The waterworks finally got to me. Like, the first twenty times he broke down on the show it seemed vulnerable and somewhat endearing, but with each progressive breakdown last night I got a little less sympathetic, until I was finally thinking "I'll give you something to cry about you

[combs hair with fork]

Counterpoint: harumph.

Pretty much all Smog songs makes me feel like I should put on some dirty sweatpants and take a really long nap.

Oh it's me, Dr. Rosenpenis. I'm just here to check out Alan Stanwyk's file.

Scooby Doo was very important for my young self, if only because it may have been one of the very first cultural touchstones to cause an 8-year-old me to think critically: "You know, self, this Scooby Doo shit kind of sucks."

Sorry for sharing my opinion on the TV show and article being discussed.

I'm somewhat surprised to see anybody say this season was Justified's best. I enjoyed the hell out of it, as always, but there's no way I'd put it above season two, or even last season. Although I liked Drew Thompson / Shelby a lot as a character, his plot never seemed big enough to carry the season…which I guess it

Jason, have I ever told you the definition of insanity?

God help you if you happened to be a boyhead friend of Roth's and unknowingly borrowed his catcher's mitt and/or luncheon meat.

My favorite example of this phenomenon is Sullivan Stapleton, playing Sgt. Damian Scott on Strike Back. As the lone American character, the fact that he's played by an Australian actor is less remarkable than the stereotypes the character sticks to, and the fact that the actor isn't even American just adds to the

It still blows my mind to think that Kinski was 61 years old when Cobra Verde was filmed. Insanity: it does a body good, apparently.