
Like, not five minutes into Encounters he's railing on them penguins. Can they be gay? Can a penguin ever go INSANE?!? I got the impression he was deeply offended by March of the Penguins, for whatever reason, and he was intent on showing their dark underside. Unfortunately for Herzog, waddling in possibly the wrong

I love the Phantasm series for its use of atmosphere. I don't give two shits about horror movies, to the point you'd seriously have to pay me well over $20 to get me to watch most modern horror movies, but on the other hand, some of my favorite movies happen to be horror movies from the '70s, and it's because of the

It's a dream! It's only a dream!

How about Southland Tales? It's completely off the rails most of the time, without any hint of subtlety, yet you can't escape the feeling that somebody thinks they're saying something extremely clever. Anthropomorphic, humping SUVs and musical numbers, and perhaps most puzzling of all, a seemingly endless stream of

I went to middle school with Mike Parker, the hustler kid that was a big part of the inspiration for the Mike character, and who was originally cast in that role before River Phoenix. He did still get a small role in the film, recounting the wine bottle rape story, which is likely a true story, given his history.

I was totally on the fence with this show, couldn't decide if it was good or bad, fun or stupid, trying too hard or pushing the line, tongue in cheek or ridiculously earnest…until the fucking albino episode. That shit should be a case study in how to sell your show. Feed an over-exposed 10 year old a case of Pixie

You guys are purposely using the worst pictures as your SXSW headline photos, right?

We cannot disappoint the Thunder from Down Under!

A show from this tour still remains my favorite concert I've ever attended. I loved this record in the first place, and had been a slobbering fan of Dino Jr. since a friend randomly pulled 'You're Living All Over Me' out of a record store bin, just because it had a "weird cover". The opening band of that '91 show also

I would never for a second call AC/DC's Powerage my favorite album, but I don't skip any of the songs (having only 9 songs probably helps). I'm still waiting to find some other record to match that simple feat.

"Welcome to Earth 2 Top Chef! Chefs, in today's elimination challenge you'll be tasked with cooking inside a prison kitchen, using only a single ingredient: Moxie soda. Allow me to introduce your judge: shirtless, mongoloid Tom Colicchio, who we've just hit in the head with a hammer. Your time starts…….NOW!"

The Andromeda Strain was rated G! What 5 year old doesn't love interstellar virus disaster movies? It's littered with dead bodies, including a topless female corpse. For the kids.

Amanda was dead set on sabotaging the shit out of herself, like ten minutes into this challenge, but Benjamin just wouldn't/couldn't get the hell out of her way. I love how Tim's exclamation of PONCHOSTRAGANZA immediately hushed the room. That was some Nino Brown New Jack City shit, as far as Tim Gunn is concerned.

I think Roman's introduction served as everything we need to know about that douchebag. Him being at the ER made for a nice "meet cute" with Sasha, but also established that Roman is the kind of guy who would put on eyeshadow and a dog chain to go check out the renowned Paradise hardcore scene, and takes himself,

Mel is totally using her illusion, and/or serving some '77 Bill Walton realness.

Yeah, Grrr. Looking back at my comment, it's more critical than I meant it to read. It's certainly one of my favorite shows, and one that I have and continue to draw immense enjoyment from. My meaning was more that the STYLE of Spartacus never changes, and the "corny dialogue, wild overacting and cgi blood spraying

Despite seeing him in dozens of roles before and afterwards (or even in the same series), Charles Bronson will always be Paul Kersey from Death Wish 3, as far as I'm concerned.

You know what else wouldn't have flattered Miranda Lambert? Whatever the fuck she was wearing.

I'll agree with others that the series takes a few episodes before it sinks its hooks into you, but I wouldn't say that it ever mutates dramatically into something other than what you see at first glance. I like to say that "Spartacus" represents the best possible show that a 13-year old boy could ever create. There

Yeah, it's common enough (at least around here), in various styles/classes, that I was somewhat surprised to see it referenced as a comic invention. Most of the joints in Portland would probably prefer to gussy it up with a big oak table and some flowers and plants, and call it "European", rather than "cafeteria