
I didn't see any communal dining in that clip, but it did appear to involve a murder mystery train trip, which I can also confirm suck unmitigated ass.

Yeah, the 'new' Naevia kind of sucks. It probably didn't help that the character was going through major transformations, right as the actor changed. She was supposed to evolve into something darker obviously, but since we've only seen this particular actress play the 'evolved' part of that character, she just comes

It's fucking heinous….but the kind of thing you bring your out-of-town in-laws/friends to, in order to loudly enjoy and show them how sophisticated you and your town are. Then, when they've left, and the evening's over, you and your mate agree never to set foot in that hellhole again.

Sadly, the communal table restaurant is neither a new, nor comedic invention in Portland. They're everywhere. Beast is probably the most remarkable and recognized, and the Montage has been dedicated to ruining your dinner with communal seating for something like 20 years now.

Roy Choi: "…"

It wasn't for girls, it was for KIDS, you crusty old fart. Also, I see it ran from when I was 13 until I was 23, so I totally don't remember it either.

I am shocked, shocked I say, to find you in this thread, saying scandalous things about Tim Dog's mother.

Excuse me, I know it's rude of me to interject, but I'd like to suggest: fuck his mama, as it is actually his and my relationship that I'd prefer to discuss.

Ginny lost 10-15 pounds inbetween seasons, right?

Motherfucking Dez is the man. Between his cafeteria showing this week, and the paper football scene a couple weeks ago, I think Dez needs a big bump in screen time.

"Maybe a clunky title/refrain like “The World Is Like A Roundabout” flows a little better in Hebrew?"

I like those moments when you can tell Padma's voice is being dubbed in, as all the recording levels change subtly, and the camera is on something else….but she still sounds extra wasted, and you can audibly hear her struggling to read the script. I like to imagine her spending laborious weeks in the studio, spilling

Tell me I didn't see the dreaded ingredients-frozen-into-blocks-of-ice flash past, during the promo for next week's show.

Yes! I totally love when McDonald details how he was basically just singing nonsense, at their command. Steely Dan seems completely unique in that they've spent the entirety of their career trying to entertain themselves before anybody else, and to some degree they're like a jazzy version of Weird Al, except that it's

I think you're grading on the Wendt curve, where anything other than dead qualifies as "amazingly well"….which seems valid.

Is this post meant as satire of a guy who's set himself up as the arbiter of who can be the arbiter of calling themselves a nerd?

You know the rhythm is right.
We gotta rock all night.

I've only met someone named Trey once, and he was a short-time boyfriend of a neighbor I had in the '90s. He had a baja shirt, and was in a band called "Nut Brown" that he likened to Modeski, Martin and Wood, and both of the only times I met him were spent furiously trying to shake me down for some weed. It's good to

I detest the whole "Keep Portland Weird" mantra, even if it seems somewhat appropriate, if only because it was nicked from Austin. It seems particularly lame to have your city's 'unofficial slogan', proclaiming some sort of uniqueness, based on bumper sticker philosophy co-opted from somewhere else.

Fucking England Dan and John Ford Coley. I could and do gladly listen to most everybody you mentioned (thank you Comcast Music Choice '70s) but those two jabronis make me want to stab knitting needles into my ear canals. They've got like half-a-dozen 'hits', and they're all absolutely fucking criminal.