
Hah. I love Pelican, to the point that I got overly excited about them on the internet a few years ago, until someone shut me up with "Yeah, but their drummer fucking sucks." A phrase/thread that haunts me to this day, because it caused me to actually critically listen to the drumming for apparently the first time

Mike Watt is an absolute saint of the musical world. I think literally every single person who has been to one of his shows, and been brave enough to swallow their (usually) teenage heart for a second, in order to talk to one of their idols, has been rewarded with a cherished story. The man will carve out time and

Your mom never complains.

Oh, yes. Sweet relief! Finally, after watching this, the episode filmed in my apartment buliding, I can stop feeling obligated to watch this horrendous fucking show.

Of course! (but not really, Cory Glover was the wetsuit dude)

Ooops, that did not nest pretty.

Yeah, they put on a hell of a show. I was not prepared for that kind of scene, considering my other concerts up until that point had been Bob Seger, and Tina Turner, with my mom (sweeeeeeet). I still remember that evening vividly, from Angelo stage diving directly on my head, while I was looking in the other

Musta been mid 1988, because it was right after Living Colour's debut 'Vivid' hit, and anytime after that Fishbone woulda been the opener, and not soon after I went to a RHCP show w/ Hillel Slovak who died in June of that year. *sigh* Thems were the days.

Living Colour opening for Fishbone was the first "real" concert I ever went to.

Charlize is super attractive, very well spoken, and she seemed to know a lot about food (or at least wasn't afraid to talk about it), yet every time she tried to make a joke, they didn't make much sense, and sounded vaguely retarded. "This queen like that food!"…..it didn't matter though, because everybody laughed

Every so often I like to imagine what it would all these classics would sound like if SST had a capable engineer/producer. The quality and quantity of music SST was putting out shot through the stratosphere almost immediately, yet they never quite figured out how to properly record anything, and it all came out

Whew! For a second there I thought that Mr. Vargas/John O'Connor had died.

This week in internet pedantry: they totally mispronounced 'Willamette' in that there last song.

Poor Tewz. I think we all thought of him, the instant the phrase 'street art' lurched out of China's mouth, yet dude can't even get someone to throw his name into the mix once? Not even an acknowledgement that he existed?


They filmed part of this stupid show literally two floors down, in my (completely unremarkable) apartment building, so I figure I'm contractually obligated to watch it….but I'm not happy about it.

As much as Anya's lack of technical skills keep being brought to the forefront, her inability to get her ass out of "island time" is what keeps (nearly) doing her in. How could she not have at least something ready for when Tim shows? And how many times have we seen her sewing, or just hacking away at something, with

I want you all to be very nice, and tell this big fuckin' mamaluke anything he wants to know.

This looks like ass. At least all of the other shows that have influenced and led to this one had some flavor of subtlety attached to the commentary…..Dyrdek just repeats either what is on the screen on that exact moment, or what is about to happen. "OH! Look at that fat dude, yo! I hope he doesn't fall down from

That's a shame.