
Old Joy was ridiculous….you can't get a $25 bag of weed in Portland.

I think people are giving Anton the benefit of the doubt by labeling him merely as crazy. I think the dude was equally as sleazy as Courtney, he just wasn't as skilled at marketing. I'm reminded of the scene when he was finally able to convince a tiny label to sign him, and then then immediately started daydreaming

Ode to Branson
Remember the stars
You loved yesterday?
Where did they go?
Did they all pass away?

Kids In The Hall?
I've seen a few comparisons to other sketch comedy shows, but I think Portlandia reminded me most of KITH. Not necessarily due to the quality (one show in is a little early to make that kinda judgment), but because it had some musical numbers, some drag, and most of all because it had the casual feel

And put a commercial break in the middle, done it front of thousands of cheering 'fans', chanting their favorite chef's name, hoping you haven't realized that this show wasn't airing when they shot this segment, and the only possible way those 'fans' know who those chefs are, is because they're paid extras. "WOOO! WE

*You're in Zombie Atlanta, not fucking Thunderdome.*

Oh woe unto the earth and her people, for the lamb has opened the third seal and Baby Gracie walks again!! Seriously, that kid's melon is terrifying.

Being an overly critical asshole is still fresh though, right?

I like April. Despite Ivy stealing the title 'strong woman', to act as a euphemism for 'humorless bitch', I think April comes off as being very strong and having very formed and unique (fashion) opinions, for someone who is all of 21. She's also never bitching about how much she misses her mom and her home and all her