3-hit shutout

Worse than Phantom Menace? I don't think so.

Oh wait, JackSupermanPunch already mentioned Kraftwerk. My scanning skills are weak today.

I enjoyed T:Legacy well enough, but I hope they don't go the Matrix sequels route and start delving too deep into the "mythology".

Vice magazine is still around?
Damn, those trust funds never run out…

Wow, incredibly prolific for a blue puppet obsessed with cookies. It would be even better if you could incorporate an analogy with chocolate chips and raisins.

I do enjoy how anonymous tough guy spent the better part of their night and well into the next day deeply immersed in this "nerd" conversation. That's sort of like going to a strip club, making fun of all the strippers, and then staying there for five hours.

The only thing that could possibly save this reboot is….the RETURN OF SVEN!

Ha, I was waiting for somebody to mention the 400-lb SG Atlantis connection in the room - before he was Dothraki, he was Satedan! He's been around the Universe a bit.

It's one of those things, if you really really must have a conclusion, than go ahead and read Children of the Mind, but be warned, it gets into some really wanky new age crap.

hollyhox +1

I'm amazed at how long this thread went on. At least in this little odd corner of the web REM has proven to be more discussed than certain coked-up actors who have opted to drag Nicolas Cage-crazy into the real world. I say, in spite of our irreconcilable differences over REM, that is truly a silver lining.

Yeah, but spicoli,that's just my point - they weren't just "one alternative rock band among many", they were one of the biggest bands when bands were truly BIG. Nearly every review of Monster included at least some mention of their back catalog and enduring legacy, and they were interviewed all over the place. I mean,

I'm confused about this whole "I'm only in my early thirties, I don't understand the whole REM thing" thing. I'm also in my early thirties, and I vividly remember REM being a popular, widely respected, critically acclaimed band that produced some of the best songs I can remember from my halcyon days. In '95 Monster

I will say this devil's advocate thing has done wonders for this thread. Imagine if we all agreed:

I think HipsterDBag is just one of those people that revels in being totally contrary to local public opinion and getting a rise out of passionate souls. I was like that once, but then I turned 26.

Sadly, I probably will own this sooner rather than later, and end up listening to it more than I should. Although I am looking forward to what Noel comes up with.

Top 5 multi-platinum albums from the early 90's
Off the top of my head and with no corroborating research whatsoever:

Yeah, I'm with tibber, "Dreams Burn Down" absolutely owns.

True story: Three Dollar Bills Y'all was, and is, the only CD I ever sold. I bought it in part because of Dj Lethal, but mostly because it was on sale at Tower. I really struggled with trying to like it, but the icing on the moldy cake was seeing them play when Snapcase opened for them. Yes, sadly, Snapcase *opened*

I don't know, I live in New York, and sometimes the subway really looks like that ad. I mean, at least get some real headphones people.