3-hit shutout

Yeah I once read an article (possibly in Mojo) where a guy argued that Phil Rudd was one of the greatest drummers of all time because he knew exactly how to beat the drums for the music he was playing for. Put a technical drummer in for any song on "Highway to Hell" or "Back in Black", and it just becomes distracting.

Yeah, I still dig Be Here Now a lot, I know the band disowns it and lots of people hate it (or think they're supposed to hate it), but, whatever, I'm way past the age were I care. To me it's a great album, and the loudness is part of what's so fantastic about it. You don't listen to Be Here Now, you get assaulted by

When I was in college we had a sign on the door of the apartment that said "Check your pride at the door". Actually, the sign didn't really exist, but it was mentioned to virtually anybody that walked through the door, and when somebody started to get in a huff over getting made fun of, they were also promptly

Hey, at least one exciting thing happened on this show.
Bret Harrison cameo! Man, I MISS Reaper.

Or it could be their music wasn't really that good to begin.

Bummer, just stared watching this series on Netflix, and actually kind of liked it. If I could guess what killed it: a) SyFy doesn't know what they're doing, b) it's of the slow-burn variety, the *extremely* slow burn variety, c) some of the acting is a bit uneven, which is not good when lined up next to the solid

It's got a 50% on Rotten Tomatoes at the moment, but, really, this is one of the movies where reviews just don't work. Believe me, inconsistent plot, absurd gravitas, overacting, tragic zen references - not of it will prevent me from seeing this movie, because, dude, I just want to experience Jeff Bridges, light

But, you know, we do totally value your opinion.

Yeah seriously, ash, you sound like some of the crazier Lost fans: "This is my favorite show! But, man, these episodes sure do suck. But over all, it's the best series on television. Except when it's not, which is all the time."

So, is there going to be a "Gateways to Geekery" on Godard? Because his Wikipedia entry was not particularly helpful.

As part of a highly exclusive club called "People that actually liked the Hitchhiker's movie", I concur with the praise of mister Freeman and share in the excitement of his upcoming acting engagement.

I was in the doctor's office a couple of weeks ago and they had Fox News on. Glen Beck had a table with a bunch of pies on it, and he was cutting them and talking about…actually I have no idea what he was talking about, it was kind of nonsensical. Anyway, he gets progressively more angry to the point where he was

Ender's game is a total page turner. Speaker…is fairly solid. By Xenocide I was like "um…OK, there's some weird stuff creeping in here" (I'm looking in your direction aiuas). Children of the Mind - holy smoking crack batman. Since then I've generally stayed away from his books.

"Beck & Morrissey". Like Hannity & Colmes", only infinitely more watchable.

Yes android app, please, I already have enough of those, but that wouldn't stop me from adding one more.

First they came for Napster…but I didn't speak up because I was already using Kazaa.

I have a funny history with Forever. I had a gift certificate to Sam Goodies (remember that place?) and I used it to buy Forever right when it came out. However, on the first listen my buddy made the following observation: "um, wow, they haven't dropped the f-bomb once. Kind a weird." No, not weird, just the clean

@ Sheltie

p.s. Might I suggest eMusic as an alternative to iTunes? They expanded their catalog recently, and it's surprisingly extensive.

Keep Apple out of direct sunlight
Probably the most disturbing thing I've heard about Apple lately is that they've apparently turned into patent trolls: