3-hit shutout

Brian: Look, you've got it all wrong! You don't NEED to follow ME, You don't NEED to follow ANYBODY! You've got to think for your selves! You're ALL individuals!
The Crowd: Yes! We're all individuals!
Brian: You're all different!
The Crowd: Yes, we ARE all different!
Man in crowd: I'm not…
The Crowd: Shut up you!

I don't conform to your "definitions" and your "genres", man.

Also, I love the word yeah. Yeah.

I still listen to Juno Reactor and Propellerheads on a regular basis, so, yeah, at least I'll be kicking these jamz in five years. And, let's be fair, this is the internet, *everyone's* looking through rose-tinted glasses. That's why were here.

50 greatest list schmist…let's keep adding to this one:

Ahhh, the "what's up with that ending?" discussion for 12-monkeys, a classic for sure. My young impressionable mind wound itself around that one more than a few times, usually over several cups of Denny's coffee.

Hmm, I believe that's actually Sam Rockwell. You're confusing your Sams. That's okay, I confuse Daniel Craig and Craig David all the time. I mean, close, right?

So, I'm going to be a trail blazer here and say…
…this movie is gonna rock! Fuck yeah!

Albeit, unintentionally, I'm sure…right?

Uh, have you guys checked out Rome's Wikipedia page recently?

And now you see why the writers don't have to fill these holes in on the actual script, because later on we do it for them.

Fantasy SNL
My keepers are Samberg, Hader, Armisen and Timberlake. Except Armisen has the stipulation he can never do Obama again. I'll trade you the entire female cast for Amy Pohler and Keri Kenney. Seth Myers for Norm MacDonald is a blockbuster you can't turn down. Finally, I'm dropping Kennan Thompson to waivers

Fate v. Free-will
Here's the thing: I may actually stop watching this show *not* because of the poor plotting and sheistily drawn characters, but because they seem to be siding *clearly* on the fate side of the argument. Fuck that. I don't care if they come down on one side or the other in the long run, everybody's

Take "make" out of my previous post. Question: if in my flash forward I saw myself making that egregious posting error, could I prevent it, or does fate bind me to my editorial misstep?

Wow, I see a list like that and I really feel isolated from the rest of America. Please don't make mistake that for complaining.

Guy LaFleur
All time leading goal scorer for the Montreal Canadiens and five-time Stanley Cup winner. Discuss.

Yeah, see I *liked* 300. It was totally ridiculous, tenuously acted, and a lot of fun. And I go to the movies for fun. Everything else can wait for DVD.

And herein lies the problem with the Oscars…
I happened to notice than when they previewed the upcoming movies for this year, they somehow forgot to mention Watchmen. Really? I'll be lucky if I see *any* of those movies they showed even once, but I've already scheduled, at the minimum, three Watchmen viewings (and

Cool, so that's what happens when you get written off heroes. What's next, a romantic comedy starring David Anders and Katie Carr?