
This is why we can't have nice things!

This is why we can't have nice things!

Don't  be shitty, ass!

I also enjoyed Hush. I'll let myself out now…

I also enjoyed Hush. I'll let myself out now…

I'd watch the shit out of "America's Shiniest Objects" because…ooh shiny!

I'd watch the shit out of "America's Shiniest Objects" because…ooh shiny!

Cock-flavored spit?!? Survey says?…

Cock-flavored spit?!? Survey says?…

In related news, Topher Grace hasn't had a tug job in a while.

Aw, pigly

Thought it was "Ship shape in Bristol fashion"…

Nerd, start your fapping!

Don't forget the part where he's almost as rich as Bruce Wayne

Aw, Goatly

If you had lived in Las Vegas in the 70s you'd know what they were saying

A bit late to the game, but no one seems to have gotten the Full Metal Jacket reference when Lana was gunner on the Huey: "Get some! Get some!"

Duh and/or hello?
"but he stays true to Troi right up until the moment he gets phasered out of existence. "

"an extra $3.50 a month, which is what it means for me if I keep the same plan, means a lot when you're a poor grad student"

She may not have a lot of "credentials", but she has a PhD in pain.