Green-billed Magpie

in order to even begin to feel guilty about using a cc in a cab, cabbies would have to immediately whip out lots of change when you offer up a 20, not sloooooowly pull out some convenient bills, hoping that you'll just tell them to keep the change. They made cash a hassle, and now I feel no guilt.

I know this isn't going to get noticed way down here, but that clip of DeRossi is a perfect example of why I never had any interest in the show: her speech is so irrational that it pretty much makes clear there is no way she's a good lawyer.

really, with all of the enormous variety of show about law that have been produced over the years, you picked Ally McBeal to 'get in the spirit'??

that is a serious amateur move. The obvious first step is to use your hand and slap their ass while you're having sex. That's the easiest way to test the waters. Honestly, spanking isn't even bdsm

woot! It's Ellie! I haven't discussed Buffy with you in ages.

I'm sure it's a regional thing, but pretty much every house built in my area in the last 15 years has two levels. And since those are the cheap houses in the suburbs…

all of that. I essentially hate the swerve into supernatural horror at the end of a wonderful novel of psychological horror. It starts as a great ghost story about how people are haunted by their past, and turns into: evil ghost trying to kill everyone with lots of gore.

how incredibly sad!


I've always mused that MM had the hardest job in the band, because he had to harmonize with Stipe no matter where Stipe's voice wandered

'Classic Rock' should:
1) not include anything after 1985 (I'd prefer 1979, but I understand some of the big 70's names continued recording into the 80's)
2) never include any New Wave or Punk or (obviously) Disco

"the film throws all the fun, little stuff away and keeps the boss battles"

I had the exact Bond thought during the snow fort shootout. That was my biggest complaint about Inception as well: the dreams were too boring as dreams, whenthey were really just action setpieces. Too many guns in a place where your mind can create anything.

King absolutely has a recurring child/sex motif. I don't think it matters in the grand scheme of anything, but I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised to find out he had something happen to him (or a sibling?) as a kid, given how often it pops up in his work.

No, I'm positive Siskel had an opinion on Babe 2.
It was the last year he release a top ten list, and it was his #1. That page is fascinating, btw. You can see where they differed and what each of them missed. Glancing through it, I can't say I particularly agree with one or the other. Every

I think most of the ones I read are from that streak.

since we agree the supernatural is unnecessary, I guess you're just more forgiving than I am. ;) I was royally pissed at BoB

There was a show with Jerry Van Dyke and it sucked? How did they manage that? The guy is insane

That's a pretty good list, but I don't think Dark Half is really worth reading. (but I haven't read it since it came out) I'd substitute Gerald's Game. And everything in 4PM is awesome.

Zack- at the risk of being the redundant guy who always posts about BoB…..can you tell me why you are okay with it? I feel strongly about it because I almost feel personally betrayed. I absolutely loved loved the first 2/3 of the book. I was ready for *this* type of King, one who could write classic ghost stories