Green-billed Magpie

I read Blink, and it was one of the most infuriating books I've ever read. Gladwell regularly elides of the actual data and is content to describe findings in a misleading way in an attempt to make things fit his larger point.

this is a truly interesting phenomenon to discuss, but I think there are multiple reasons involved. one that I don't think should be overlooked is the fact that although these networks were launched with a 'vision', I think many of them were never staffed with people who cared about that vision. Sci-Fi in particular

that line completely made me try to figure out if it's actually set in a real year, or if it somehow just exists in the 80's itself

I found the real footage of the family members in the final credits shocking, because they immediately looked like better characters for the show than what I had just watched. Why didn't they more closely mimic them?

I totally the second episode was a miss. Remove the few parkinson's bits and it's a 100% bland seen-it-a-thousand-times family sitcom episode.

it's nice to know that even some struggling indie writers/directors aren't aiming any higher than a bland rom-com

"Raymond and BBT are both Emmy-winning shows that are highly respected in the industry, but are held in contempt by a lot of TV watchers who don’t seem to like live-audience sitcoms anyway. …
But The Big Bang Theory’s success shouldn’t be surprising. Like Raymond, it’s about how people are rather than how people would

Duvall's performance nails 'domestic abuse', which is perhaps the strongest throughline of the movie

danrimage! I demand you appear and defend Shelley Duvall!

my absolute biggest frustration with Jack is that he *never* learned anything

there were djs who dealt in cassettes?

" For some, cassettes may never escape gimmick status, but for now they’ve found an unexpected place between fun and functional."

'toe-tapping rock' totally described their performance at First City Festival a couple weeks ago. it was the poppiest I've ever seen them.

" in my experience, iPhone owners are almost exclusively female. "

"Like Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (also co-plotted by Goyer), Man Of Steel is a field day for narrative nitpickers."

Ignatiy, I think you're my current favorite film contributor to the avc. Nice review.

what (and why) did they have to reshoot?

holy crap.  Ignatiy here?

for having launched at the height of star trek popularity, and being the successor to TNG, Voyager has the cheapest looking Trek pilot of any of the modern series

some company needs to produce a quality blu-ray player that downgrades to sd tvs cleanly. then I would buy a BR player and BR discs immediately, while I wait on purchasing an hdtv