Green-billed Magpie

I don't own an hdtv, ergo, I haven't bought a blu-ray player.

no, many of his 90's films, including FWWM, had incredibly complicated funding arrangements and ownership schemes, which is why trying to get material together for release is so complicated. (and I think Canal+ was bought out or something, making it worse)

I rented it to watch with my parents when I was in high school.

there are *so* many things about WaH that are just flat out crazy, or ape-shit, or bizarre, that I can't unequivocally love it.

lots of crap has been produced over the years in the attempt to fill an entire 22-episode american season, but Cafe Disco is the perfect example of a great episode that never would have existed if the season were limited to just 'essential' episodes

in addition to what SSF says, I truly believe it's also that Steve Carrell was not able to be as convincing an asshole. It's a damn good thing the show had such a hit with Jim/Pam, because that's what kept the show together through seasons one and two. It was really only in season three that I think they finally

Identity *might* be tolerable if you were alerted to its campiness ahead of time

and with every departure, the avc has become even more opaque about their staffing, even though I would guess most people coming to this site don't treat the writers/editors as interchangeable

I'm with you, cookie. I've been reading the avc for what seems like forever. And after the comments section came along I was indeed a regular at points. I admit I've been drifting away from the comments in the last year or so, but I always trusted their film/music reviews.

Phipps was absolutely one of my favorites here, and I have kinda been waiting for the other shoe to drop since he departed. I'm no crazy reactionist, and I'm not running for the fields, but I *really* am wondering about what directions they have in mind for the AVC.

if this is an accurately portrayal of the movie……. holy shit is that fucked up

bfred- but I don't think most people would wish HIV on them, even if they weren't ok with it

when you only have two main characters, and the curious, exploratory one dies from a horrible disease, what does that tell you?

it's not just on the critics, though. Perry and his supporters spent quite a lot of time dismissing white critics over his first few films, saying they didn't even understand what they were trying to do, and that they weren't part of the intended audience.

they gave Reba another show?

"Especially as the lines between video game and cinema aesthetic blend as we push into 3D, "immersive" experiences, and digital cinema."

if it turns out the aliens are in charge instead of humans screwing each other over, I'm very disappointed

really? Cruise is worse than the gaping plot holes?

I honestly miss what so many people around here see in MR. To me it was just another pretty, yet forgettable Cruise Action Film. I was expecting a lot more from Spielberg, and did not find it.

if Carrey is the highlight, this is one sad film