Green-billed Magpie

BoB is one of my personal pet peeves in King's canon. It starts out as some of his best writing ever, and really looked like he was considering moving in a new direction, away from 'go for the gross out' style horror. I loved it. Then he throws it all out the window when it's time to bring the story to a close.

The first 2/3 of Bag of Bones is some of the best writing King has *ever* done. Then he decides he needs to start wrapping things up…

reading that list, I have something that pisses me off about almost every book I've read. So many of them have good ideas and yet I end up not liking the book. At least 4 of them I loved for the first 2/3.

lazy characterization: half of Michael Crichton's books. I'm looking at you, Airframe. I never want to hear the phrase 'hot-tempered red head' again

Desperation and The Regulators are *supposed* to be thematically and plot-linked

thanks for qualifying the ending. Badass Badlan's comment made me think it was going to involve an evil spirit, rape, and a battle to save the universe.

I don't know if Koontz is the type of artist that had a few good books towards the beginning of his career and then became pure pulp, or if he's the type of artist where everything is mediocre and it takes many people a few books to catch on to his shtick.

That sounds like me in 7th grade

Watchers?? with the dog? I'm not going to make any argument about it's greatness, but it's nowhere near as bad as Dan Brown

I believe poppers are amyl nitrate

thanks for making me miss Stroh's

The first time I sat down to watch Blue Velvet I was in high school and a Twin Peaks fan. We only had one vcr, so my parents sat down to watch it with me. It (of course) just starts out slow and odd, but by the time MacLachlan is in the closet….I stopped the tape and we all watched something else.

just to be clear: I think that makes Siskel awesome

Siskel also called Babe 2: Pig in the City one of the best films of the year

I know he was initial very critical, but didn't he also call Blue Velvet "one of the most important films of the decade"?

you know, since they repeatedly describe what Snow White looks like, wouldn't it have made more sense to get someone who looks like the description? I mean, her hair doesn't look black as night in these clips, and she sure isn't white as snow. Point being: hire someone who looks the part, or use your fancy makeup

it is absolutely one of the most horrifying films I've ever seen. There are entire segments I watched through my fingers. I can't imagine it ever being shown to children.

that explains even more about HsterDbag….

it seems like there was a point in time just 30-40 years ago where knowledge of G&S was expected among all decently educated people, and yet now they've pretty much fallen out of favor (outside of Simpsons references)

the G&S sketch was the epitome of the big problem with the show: the comedy show within Studio 60 wasn't even *close* be being as funny and important as they claimed. They could have made the decision to *not* show anything from it, ever (and for a bit I thought they might take that tack) but they didn't. So we see