Green-billed Magpie

do they ever follow up on it? does he fall off the wagon?

the problem isn't the actual age difference, it's the apparent one. He looks younger, she *doesn't*. She easily looks 20. Their ages could work if she was someone who was going to be able to play a high schooler until they're 30, but she isn't.

he may have been a sex offender, but he was serving 2 years for failing to register as a sex offender. That's like parole violation. He wasn't in there for the sex crime he committed.

"although that hinges alot on how it's performed"

I love Eco, but Foucault's is one of the few books I have started and never finished. I think I made it about halfway before I put it down. It was just going in circles?

I really didn't like the couple hints that she'd really enjoy girly girl things if she gave them a chance. As if she's the way she is because she grew up without a mom, not because she likes to dress that way and act that way. If that's the way they're headed (she becomes more 'feminine') I'm going to be completely

I *really* hope they end up putting some more explanation into the setup. I guess it would be fine as a setup if the show was going for just surreal humor, but it seems to want us to actually care for the characters. In that case, I want more explanation for what her dad did. Because finding condoms in your 16 year

well, sure, he *could*. It's just yet another drive to make. He'd be driving 45 min to and from work, not to mention the parking situation. Which isn't unheard of in the US. It's just that everyone in this show regularly just pops over to someone else's house without any regard to how long it would take to get there.

As a follow-up, Google Maps claims that to go from Downtown Berkeley to the Haight via public transportation would take 57 min.

you know, I *intentionally* avoided saying 'They'd be in their cars all the time', but you still had to put that in….

1) his parents are *completely overreactive to everything*. So overreacting to this isn't in any way out of character.

Ok, I've been wanting to ask this for a year: Does anyone know the 'official' geography of this show? I know it takes places in the Bay area, and mainly in Berkeley, but I can't for the life of me put all the pieces together, unless I just accept that they live in some fictional Bay area. The parents' house just

I swear I saw an ad for a concert where My Chemical Romance is opening for Blink-182. How did MCR fall so far, so fast?

wtf, HDB??

Todd, in general I agree with your list, but Cheers? It's definitely in the B category, and I just watched it two weeks ago. It shows a lot of promise, but it's not an A. For one thing, it's too slow. The show really picks up the pace as things click into place.

I have no idea why I can't reply to the people below, but whatever.

I know it's not a high bar to begin with, but the pilot of this is heads and shoulders over every other procedural I've seen in the last year. That said:
- the overt sexism was over the top
- I have no idea if they can keep up the intensity of the pilot

Amusingly, the very first time I read *anything* about SNZ opened with a sentence like 'every major university has a dixie-land jazz/pop band nowadays, but SNZ are the real deal'. I was *at* a major, cultural university and that line confused the hell out of me.

I heard Down by the River while shopping in an REI. I have no trouble imagining The Rake's Song being big somewhere

Scott- you don't mention the ending. Did you see the same godawful trick ending I've read about on another site?