Green-billed Magpie

What happens in Dear Sister????

that's the best promo for a show I'll never see that I've watched in ages!

it seems like you can't copy from the first line of a post due to the minus sign/collapse overlay. It's irritating.

haha! I'm participating in a discussion!

bah. I grew up in MI, and we had the legend of Blood Road!

mbs can't log in


I don't understand *any* network systematically trying to *lower* the budgets of its biggest hits. If the show is a success, don't you *increase* the budget? Or don't mess with it? When has it *ever* made sense to go to your top show and say 'ok, we'll need you to cut your budget by 25% next season"???

I caught a bit of this interview online. It's hilarious how the girl herself seems pretty straight about everything, but her mom comes off as delusional. She thinks (or acts) like Black was getting harassed for being famous, not for having an incredibly shitty song. Yeah 'famous'. I bet those American Idol kids get

I saw East Meets Watts with CT last summer. It was absolutely hilarious. And I got to meet Gruber afterwards!

seriously? did you not do test patches?

I thought they spun off Live Nation again. Or was that something else? It's not as big a conglomerate as it once was, I know that.

the episode that aired took place in SF, and the guys kept talking to the interrogators. I assumed it was part of the rules, because otherwise: why would you? But you're saying it's not?

Gaslight aired on TMC last year.

I'm *certain* it all depends on the way you stream and your internet connection (I use a Wii, and a friend of mine uses a Roku. Some items look better on the Wii, some on the Roku.) but Netflix is usually as good as a DVD on my tv, and it's *certainly* better than any image I get through Comcast.

Superdeformed- but how many cinemas have closed in SF in the last 7 years?? You won't have anywhere to go soon.

I live in a city with a major university, yet we've had almost every one of our video stores close in the last two years. The best independent store in town closed, reportedly not because it wasn't doing enough business, but because the owner wanted to retire and figured he could make much more selling off the stock

Sam- well, one of the reasons I go out to eat more frequently than I go to the movies is twofold:

really? Orgy of the Dead? Perhaps it adds some pleasure once you are aware it's an Ed Wood film? I saw it without that knowledge, and all I can say is that I've never been so bored by nudity in my life.

The reason big-budget movies get more shit than Corman films is because Corman never acted like his films were anything other than schlocky cash-ins. Movies made on the cheap for a niche market. Corman never claimed it was great art, and he never spent $150 million on a schlocky movie. What a waste of money.