Green-billed Magpie

Miller is 100% right. The novel starts out as King seeming to want to go in a different direction and be less shock-y and gross-out, and more serious and psychological. And he does it great for 3/4 of the book. It's a wonderful ghost story about how the past still haunts us, and how people stay with us even after

I would *love* to see a Spike Lee directed sequel to Driving Miss Daisy

y'all are really bothered by the cover to Lovesexy? I remember the first time I saw that cover. It's not like I loved it, but I was impressed he had the guts to lay himself out there like that on a cover all over the country. It's much better than the self-titled cover Throatwabbler Mangrove linked to.

Midwestern and Appalachian are very different accents, Montypark. And because it's a pet peeve of mine, 'midwest' shouldn't refer to the great lakes region. The cities on the great lakes pretty much share a similar pronunciation pattern, the 'northern cities vowel shift'. That includes "Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo,

ElDan- it *must* be your age. That Harrison tune was played all the friggin' time when it came out.

lion: the veldt (possibly as part of the movie The Illustrated Man)

ratatouille is one of my favorite Pixar films. I can't understand why anyone would be bored by it. It's got a great blend of physical humor, great animation, and a great story. What's not to like?

BooH is much smaller in scope. It's about someone trying to find pleasure in the immediate NOW. In that sense, while it captures adolescence, it isn't grand.

I love how the camera cuts to a long shot just as he pulls the chick out and puts it behind the paper.

kd lang and the reclines- Johnny Get Angry

madbeatnk- damn.. I can't believe that's still being brought up.

Please tell me in what state you can find the Highland Park 12 for under $40. It will be worth the road trip to pick up a case.

do most 14 year olds on tiny budget shows in hollywood have gang bangs? Am I truly old and out of it? I get drugs, and sex with costars. But banging all the xtras *with* your costars?? at that age?


This relationship confuses me, but maybe because I've only watched the first season on Netflix and a few eps this season when they were together. Why are they together, and not as just a brief joke? Wasn't he late 20's when she was a high-schooler? He's a failure, and she was a (cynical) but promising young student?

I wish I understood the idea behind Mike and Molly. At all. It's like a weird throwback to a 70's sitcom, but who wants one of those? It's so tame and bland, it's like lukewarm cream of wheat.

This is one of the funniest write-ups I've read in a while. Good job, VDW!

I know this is a nostalgia column and all, but I've never seen this show (too old) and reading this didn't give me *any* sense about what it was, other than a generic family sitcom. Ok, you identified with the protagonist; I understand that appeal, but I really have no grasp about what drove this show or if

Banmar- what branches are they closing?

One of the big differences btwn Leigh and Heche, if you watch the youtube mashup, is that Leigh throws cocky, mischievous, and maybe angry into her emotional mix. She's all over the place. Heche just looks worried, nervous, or neutral.