guy with a computer

Hear, hear!

Its all your fault and totally NOT Tim Krings…Really!
"We were very free to do whatever we wanted until people had opinions."
-Tim Kring-


Agreed, but duing the interview you should have just kicked Kring in the balls once, because he's been kicking us in the balls with every episode since season one!

By the way:
@Never Gonna Register - "you might be a redneck" jokes are sooo….. I don't know, 1987 maybe? When Jeff Foxwothy popular? Anyway, the point is - suck it!


The Boyd reveal might have seemed more "natural" if the writers had more time to develop it - it seems problematic because everything is wraping up so quickly. It, much like alot in the last few eps, is just going to fast. The whole Adelle flip-flop-and-flip-again a few eps ago gave me whiplash - I assume that would

Upon scrolling down, I've realised my posted theory isn't quite as novel as I thought as quite a few other folks have posted the same general outline as me….

Why does Boyd want Caroline? Supervillany 101 folks - when your typical mad genius creates a super-virus weapon, he also creates the antidote so that the super-virus weapon effects everyone else BUT him! Otherwise when he finally unleashes his super-virus weapon on the population, it will get him too, and he'd be

"…like kicking a legless girl when she's down due to lack of legs"
There was this asskicking legless girl on a show I used to watch…

Joseph - Don't worry, I'm sure that soon enough the writers will introduce some sort of parental figure for Sylar, and this new mommy-/daddy-figure will be all like "Sylar! My long-lost son! I'll pretend to love you but then betray you cuz that will make you a little-bit of a sympathetic character while explaining

" …just have Leno talk to a wall all evening for all I care."

So I've been thinking about this…
…when exactly did Heroes jump the shark? Is there an episode or a moment when all the potential those early episodes seemed to offer finally died?

His creation = his responsibility

Isn't "rich military singles" oxymoronic? Recruits only get about $25K, and officers start out at around $45K.

Personally, I perfer Fudd Beer… and I believe men should be allowed to marry their attractive cousins. I tell you, I won't live in a town that robs men of the right to marry their cousins!

(as an avid yet increasingly disappointed fan of the Simpsons from way back in the day, I say this from a place of love)

S. Jerusalem: You mean there's Captian Caveman porn out there?!?

"quickly becoming totally irrelevant?"
