Huh, I pretty much agree with all of these (although I haven't seen a few of these shows). I don't know why you bother to include shows that only lasted one season, though.
Huh, I pretty much agree with all of these (although I haven't seen a few of these shows). I don't know why you bother to include shows that only lasted one season, though.
TV directors are present during editing. They work with the editor to edit the episode. The showrunners get final cut and can choose to cut a scene, but the directors are their for the nitty gritty which-angle-should-we-use-which-frame-do-we-cut-at stuff.
Wall Street Journal
So, it looks like Nathan Rabin wrote an essay that's on the Wall Street Journal page…
The fuckin' Eagles…
"Remember: Just because The Dude hates the fuckin' Eagles, man, it doesn't mean you have to."
This movie is awesome
This movie is awesome. It is also one of those classic movies (like Taxi Driver and 8 1/2) that always surprises me when I get to a scene with a big Coca Cola advertisement.
M.I.A. should get knocked up again, too, because seeing a pregnant Sri Lankan chick rapping in skintight neon costumes was fucking AWESOME.
Weird. I go to a years-old review and there is a comment by someone from only eight hours ago. I guess the upcoming Alice in Wonderland has inspired others to explore as well.
Thomas Lennon
"I'm not saying Lennon is the only funny or distinct member of The State, just beyond a doubt the most versatile."
Dear Kathryn Bigelow,
Yeah, I would have divorced that guy, too.
It's not that you're disturbing, AmilieGilletteFan.
Hannity and Palin
I imagine that this just means the awkward feeling I get when Sean Hannity has Ann Coulter on his show (the feeling being basically: "man he REALLY wants to have sex with that person") is likely to double in frequency.
That sounds great. Now, can you just put all that stuff together in one bowl?
Oh. Well. I guess it sucks to be you, then.
I can't believe no one ever thought of this before.
Well, considering the subject matter of the Wire (failure for cities to care for their poor/youth) and Generation Kill (the war in Iraq) were exactly the types of subject matter that would inspire that very fear, I would say that there is a very good chance that you will be wrong.
"What's-his-name, who played Freeman, is also in the show"
If you're being serious, Andy Pants, then I will answer your question.
I second wolfmansRazor's incredulous "Wait. What?"
Meanwhile, back at the model home…
I know it's not a movie, but couldn't you have thrown in a shout-out to Ron Howard's narrator on Arrested Development? That narration was, of course, used as a crutch to add considerable exposition and even to explain the wild reversals of motivation that characters go through, but…