Jesus Christ - Savior

You jest, but actually Armond White used to not only review music, but he was good at it. On this episode of Charlie Rose from 1997 http://www.amazon.com/Charl… he defended hip-hop against curmudgeon-y jazz critic Stanley Crouch, whose stance was basically that all hip-hop represented the self-degradation of black

Thanks, guy!

Milky Ways are funnier than Kit-Kats, which in turn are funnier than Snickers (ironically). Caddyshack proves, however, that Baby Ruths are the funniest candy bar.

This comment proves otherwise.

SPOILER… I guess… I haven't seen the movie…

Part of the joke in the context of the episode is that Tobias's subconsciously homoerotic comments get more and more explicit and unlikely. I forget the exact line, but it culminates in a line that is so convoluted and explicit that Michael just walks away from him.

Actually, A Separation runs about 123 minutes according to Wikipedia, so they are about the same length. And About Elly was 119, so Farhadi is fairly consistently around the 2 hour mark. I wouldn't worry about the length.

The misappropriation of Lauryn Hill…

Yeah, like that time that woman sued them.

The fat one.

That's fine I guess, but the notion that the artistic quality of the song should have bearing on the legal copyright implications is just wrong.

It's almost like time is moving forward in a directional fashion.

It's like painting them with water.

"Legitimate rapist"? Shouldn't the prison have a way to just, like…. shut that whole thing down?

He kind of rips off a Mitch Hedberg joke at the end of that piece by adding the word "fucking" to the phrase "right in the middle"… but I'll let it slide since it is otherwise a funny article.

Some guy put the two together. As far as I can tell, he didn't edit anything. Makes the claim that Glee used the actual Coulton audio track instead of re-recording the arrangement sound fairly believable.

@avclub-85d8ce590ad8981ca2c8286f79f59954:disqus I'm not going to argue with your philosophical/legal arguments about whether stealing a cover is really stealing… but as has been pointed out elsewhere on this comments board, you CAN prove with certainty that the Glee producers were basing this off his arrangement

I second your "holy fucking shit". He should absolutely sue them.

(Max Fischer, quartermaster)