
To be clear, I'm not saying it's in the same league as either of those acts. I'm just saying that's the sound I hear in there. Maybe a dash of M83, too. The only thing I can say you are flatly wrong about is the production… I can see someone saying it's muddy, maybe… but not "chintzy." Anyway, you are wrong. HA!

Once again I completely disagree with Hyden on music. Firstly, this record is actually a huge leap in production. Calling this record's production "chintzy" is just insane. Whereas Psychic Chasms was fun but yes, simply "agreeable", Era is a huge leap into a more refined pop sound. Think My Bloody Valentine meets

FUCK. THAT. Ignore this review, simply for the phrase "inarticulate eclecticism" if for no other reason. If you like his EPs, you'll like the record. It's very much in the same style. "Playing House" is indeed the highlight, but ignore Grayson's facile comparisons to James Blake and Bon Iver. Active Child sounds

Big. Deal.
It's not Netflix, or any corporation's, job to insure every piece of media is available to everyone. Besides this, the value of any film is entirely up to the individual. YOU may love Bela Tarr, while someone else may love "White Chicks". And if your favorite art is on the fringe or well outside the

Might be the worst band ever. Ear pollution, for real.

How bout something
OTHER than rock?

Aquemini's album art is awesome.

DTH, nice callback to another one of D'Angelo's dumber rants.

This comment makes total sense to me. And Christ, D'Angelo, get over yourself. Does "Unforgiven" seem rushed or half-assed to you? Does "Bird?" For every "The Rookie" in Eastwood's career there is a stone cold classic. Come on now.

People like Modern Family
because the characters are great. The jokes are not always up to the level of season one, but the characters are well defined and much more three dimensional than most sitcoms. That's why people love this show.

Hynden? YES! O'Neal? Ugh.
that is all.

This was a terrific series, Steven.

Hooray for Longmont Potion Castle!
I thought I was the only person who loved him. Everyone should at least check out his stuff.
Also I rarely agree with Tasha but I too loved Scott Pilgrim- however, I don't feel alone in that love b/c most of my friends love it too.

My review of Hyden's review
Comparing SALEM's sound to ICP: very reductive and lazy, not to mention inaccurate. The phrase "corny makeout music for goth parties" alone was enough to knock this down a full grade. As usual, Hynden tosses off a half-assed screed that offers little in the way of real insight or analysis.

Haterizm is not a review style…
It's hard to take an album review seriously when it begins by slamming another band. I don't see what Best Coast and Eternal Summer have in common, besides you wanting to talk about them.
Really it all ended with the "apparently think it's funny" line for me, which is pretty damn snide.

Cmndr_X, you may not like the mockumentary style, but both Community and Modern Family (and Parks and Rec, for that matter) are full of stock characters and standard sitcom situations. These shows are comfort food. There are no boundaries being shattered by any of them. And now you're up to five posts here about the

"Poophat", I am passionate about what I like. Your annoyance with MY annoyance is noted, as is your aloofness and sense of perspective. Now go listen to Scott and Tasha argue about the movie on AVTalk and see how I'm not the only one who disagreed with him or got annoyed with his review.
But you will blow me first!

You mean when he declares in a room full of people "because I'm in love with her!" it's not spelled out enough for you?

Your name is "TapDatAsserton"? If that's the level of wit you aspire to, then what you think is good writing differs greatly from what I think is good writing.

I'm not angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.