
I absolutely loved this movie. So, so much better than a C plus. FAIL, Scott.
It got everything right about the comic, added so much more, and ended up being one of my favorite films of the year. I was SURE everyone would love it… guess not. Instead, it's graded the same as fucking Eat Pray Love. Blow me.

I love these movies, even though nothing is really happening in them.
The indefinable sense of loneliness and- I guess creepiness is the word- that pervades most of Antonioni's films is a feeling I find it hard to understand liking, yet I do. I look at him not unlike a Lynch or Fellini- he's usually doing the same

See also: Wong Kar-Wai's "Happy Together."

I haven't seen this on the big screen, so maybe it's clearer there that she hit a dog. I'll take your (and Mike's) word for it, Falconback. I'm not totally convinced by your point of view but YOU don't come off as a dick, so thanks for that. Mike could learn a little from you when writing these things, I think.

Falconback, I think the point of the film (and this scene) is that "truth" itself is subjective, just like everything else. So my point is- YOUR truth, and Mike's, are not necessarily more (or less) valid that the other people who choose to believe she DID hit a child. Isn't that the point of why the scene was

I'm sorry man, you pick interesting scenes to discuss from great films, but you still come across as a dick most of the time. Supercilious, at best. Maybe it's the way you imply that those who WANT mystery from the scene are somehow less perceptive/intelligent than those who are content to assume she hit a dog

*calling, not "call". Jesus, too much coffee.

KIck-Ass is pretty much a high budget exploitation film. I had no problem with the violence. I just thought it was a fun, empty headed movie that isn't to be taken too seriously. Fun as hell. I can see the AV Club's criticisms but I disagree with them totally.

I really liked Gomorrah. I don't even know what "bullshit Blair Witch camera work and editing" means…

It's just marketing.
No one really knows either of the African American actors. Many people know Vince Vaughn, Kristin Bell, Jon Favreau etc. In the trailer, there is obviously time to show more of the two African American actors being funny, even if you don't know who they are. In the poster I think it's kinda more

…of course you were.

It was also a BURN in The Dark Knight, but your point is taken. Although the idea that he might just rip off the bandages over and over is plausible as well. He was clearly past the point of giving a fuck about infection.

Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron, Reese Witherspoon, Helen Hunt, Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman
… and every other talentless, beautiful young woman who has won a best actress Oscar that didn't deserve it. And as a result has foisted even more of their horrible shitty movies on all of us. Just go the fuck away, you all

…. of which 4 lIttle Girls and When the Levees Broke were the only two unequivocally great films. Malcolm X was good but stiff, and every other movie on your list was crap, especially fucking Inside Man.

I'm a bitch
I'm a father, so anything involving kids and father/daughter stuff in particular sneaks up on me! Films that have made me cry:

Rhymefest? please.
He has always been a meat and potatoes rapper with a limited set of ideas. And Nabin, I totally feel you on the moral question. But I think a good place to draw the line is when an artist devotes a WHOLE ALBUM to something so wrong and stupid. Many, many hip hop artists are homophobes, but most of

Alien! On a napkin!
My Mom's taste in things was a huge influence on me. I'll never forget the one night she came home with my stepdad from seeing "Alien," which had just come out. The sitter left and my mom sat at the kitchen table with me, trying to explain how amazing and creepy the alien was. She got out a napkin

I would say JUUUST too young. There's a few kinda scary sequences, depending on how sensitive your son is, and the plot such as it is really meanders and would be hard to explain to a child (if that child even cared). I would start with Totoro for a little boy… I did a promo for this movie and a few others btw. Check

Clearly I love him, he's my avatar! I'd be hard pressed to pick a favorite of his films, for me it's really a toss up between Totoro, Spirited Away and Nausicaa. I had the pleasure of visiting the Miyazaki museum a few years back, and one of my most prized posessions is a hand made Totoro clock I bought

Yeah I saw this movie in a megamall and walked immediately out of the theater to the toy store, and bought one gigantic Iron Giant 3 foot toy, and then a smaller twelve inch one. Now they're worth money but my little geek heart will never part with them. NEVER