Yeah, I was looking forward to a Division vs the CIA arc as well, rather than continuing to drag in random foreign organizations.
Yeah, I was looking forward to a Division vs the CIA arc as well, rather than continuing to drag in random foreign organizations.
@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus When I re-read it last year he seemed pretty naive (especially at the beginning). I mean, he spends most of the book with a fanboy crush on Gatsby and hardcore ships him with Daisy, not really acknowledging that they're kind of despicable people. He has some kind of…
Maybe he covered an arrow in gasoline/other flammable liquid and shot it right into the cigarette lighter, causing a fire which then spread to the fuel intake, causing an explosion.
@avclub-a9f5102dde8ca6e2ef0b18e777e918ed:disqus She posted it on WoT for the whole internet to see!
Just wait until next week, when he gets his flirting game on with Andrea.
Maybe a feed the alligator without getting mauled challenge?
I was hoping for a hilarious miscommunication resulting in Eric randomly voting for Eddie or something.
At my university anybody who just works at the school in some capacity gets free tuition essentially for their kids (if they choose to attend), but that's in Canada so…
Corinne seemed pretty confident that she could get Dawn to flip to their side, though based on what evidence I'm not too sure. Unless she was thinking of the fact that Dawn is stressed/cries a lot, which doesn't seem too out of the ordinary, really.
yes! I guess he's one of those "food is food" people.
Eric was a complete cipher - beyond him saying "gee I guess I'm the swing vote" the editors gave absolutely no hints at the reasoning behind his decision. If he KNOWS his vote is so important, are we really supposed to believe that he just thought "whatever" and headed off to tribal?
Thirded; I was really appreciating her word choices this week, such as the seamless use of "throatpunching"
By Jon Dore do you mean the guy who was randomly on Canadian Idol sometimes? (yeah I could probably just look this up)
Well, Arrow IS the top pick tonight…though I guess it's just a single shirtless man shown many times.
Followed by Orphan Black, which I think they're covering.
As long as they don't put "Mars" in the title, of course.
Are we talking about figurative or literal dogshit? Because now I'm imagining enraged GoT fans saving all their pets' waste and pelting Gleeson with it.
I'll be honest here, it's been taking me quite a while to adjust my outlook on life after this revelation; I've even been having weird dreams about it…
I'm disappointed she didn't retrieve her arrow after stabbing the dude with it. Ammo is a limited resource!
holy shit is it actually pronounced "discuss"? This whole time I've been saying it as disk-iss in my head.