Sean Jungian

Seconded on the "one-note". I didn't follow NC that closely but they all started to sound the same.

Okay, I have nothing to add but this comment just slayed me.

Ah! Nice connection-noticing!

I guess that kind of logic-bending just doesn't bother me too much at the time, or it didn't jump out at me tonight for whatever reason. For me, her skills as a doctor were unconvincing at best. Yes I know she saved Carl buuuut….really the script saved Carl. I loved the character of Denise, love the actor, love what

Ah, could be. I don't read the comics, so a comics explanation is kind of extraneous for me, I imagine we'll find out in a future episode.

I kind of agree in that it does see like we missed an episode that fleshed this change of Carol's out a little more. I definitely knew she was cracking over time, but last week her insistence about Maggie staying put just didn't completely ring true to me.

I was also trying to remember exactly what went down in the woods that day. I don't recall him getting his face half burned off?

I also liked her delivery when Daryl asks: "You risked your life for a six-pack of SODA?"

I'm with you in that no way does Sasha's character want anything to do with Abraham. I don't know why she'd find him at all appealing under the circumstances with Rosita. Doesn't flow at all for me.

You are what urethra? Dammit…

Just seconding that this is really well-put. Something I've been trying to clumsily communicate for weeks now.

I wondered about that too, although I can buy that she was trying to make them both seem weaker than they are.

If that's the best thing about Morgan, well, it's just not good enough for me. I didn't care for that episode all that much - as Andrusela says, it's easy to live peacefully out in the woods alone with your goat, learning to make cheese.

I watched the episode again, and no one has said much but OMG THEY BURNED THOSE PEOPLE ALIVE.

I don't really notice when there's swearing and when there isn't. I don't know what everyone thinks it's going to add. There really isn't any shock involved. Just seems unnecessary to me (to have a bunch of swearing).

I spend a lot of my evenings with a demanding (though not yet old or sick) cat. I find brushing him very relaxing and soothing after dealing with a moody teenager. I hope yours feels better soon.

Oh yeah, like I said, it's so minor it hardly bears mentioning. It jarred me during the episode only because it wouldn't have been hard to make it more realistic - there are plenty of ways working in an office is soul-killing without the whole fetching-coffee business. I'm sure it still happens somewhere, but it's

That was one thing I didn't actually care for - Paula's description of her job as mostly getting coffee for her boss. It's so minor I'll forget about it in a half hour but that really stuck out to me because, while secretaries may indeed still be responsible for making the coffee, it would be the very very unusual

Agreed. I find Morgan annoying mainly because he seems to be so rigidly at extremes without considering the gradations in between. To me, Carol considers those gradations, and it makes her more interesting to me than Morgan.