Sean Jungian

I think part of Carol's actions were her trying to disguise herself from the Saviors, so they wouldn't suspect what a killer she really is. She's also struggling morally, for sure, so there's some blurring there, but a lot of that was her doing the same thing she did when she first got to Alexandria - disguise herself

Maggie headed off that walker behind Carol. No biting.

I loved that he just bear-hugged her!

First thought partway in: "Well, Carol sure picked a fine time to stop being a badass."

I just can't give full credit without the use of "Stygian" in there somewhere. :)

If it's any consolation, I kinda felt that person's comment was only to shut down conversation that wasn't about them and their reaction. Let's hear it for marshmallows!

"Morgan continues to fascinate bore the snot out of everyone…"

Ugh, that was just - ugh. So poorly done. I'm not against them getting it on, it was just so skeevy.

Pretty good guess, but no, this review and last week's were actually pretty fair. He actually give the character and the actress a LOT of praise.

6 years he's been looking for a grander theme than "life sucks after the zombie apocalypse". I suppose he'll search for another 6 years.

Have never seen Carol and Daryl as romantic/sexual. They do have a deep love for each other.

Aww, she is? Dang it, so she's probably a Scientologist, too. And I liked her so much! Rats.

I've never seen Nurse Jackie but I love that actress and I really like Dr. Denise. I like her relationship with Tara. I mean, we're not ALL bought and paid for.

I did like the "mom" speech. We moms all want to think we're the badass heroes of the family.

What a feeling!

He was such a DALE this episode, and Dale always annoyed the piss out of me.

I guess my usual strategy of just not answering calls or texts until they give up wouldn't work so well in the ZA.

He had another "What?" moment tonight, too.

Uh, congratulations?

Carol has been showing us cracks in her "stone-cold killer" mask for several episodes now, going back to the first part of this two-part season. It didn't just suddenly appear this episode.