Sean Jungian

I got teary-eyed when Tara & Dr. Denise hugged and kissed. I love those two so much.

he did kind of step it up there. what with the stone cold bible quotes at the kill and all

What was he welding in that last scene?

That really was a sweet little moment. He tried.

Man, that was so cold.

I think one of the main points of this show is the tragedy of watching characters we really like make bad decisions (that are completely in character for them). Of COURSE Jimmy didn't run it past Cliff. He can't help himself.

Yeah I didn't realize that either until the reviewer pointed it out. Oh yeaaahhhh, it WAS at a different angle!

I kinda thought she was even a year or two older in this timeline.

I'm with you. Jimmy basically hates authority and did this purely to sidestep acknowledging authority. I'm kind of surprised that everyone pulls so hard for Jimmy and wishes that Kim and Chuck would just let him be himself, but Jimmy is pretty much an amoral flimflam man to the core. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the

I agree, and while I find Chuck insufferable at times and wish he wouldn't do so much to stifle Jimmy, I can't really fault him for it. I occupy a similar (though far less dickish, I hope) niche as the oldest of my own family. I also love Michael McKean no matter what.

That's probably how he phrases it in his head, though.

Same with his preachy, overwrought "To bear witness" last week. I wanted Jimmy to call him on that, " 'To bear witness'? Who talks like that? Did we suddenly fall into an Orson Welles radio play?"

Once again Rick looks like he bit someone to death.

There were some things I really liked about FearTWD. I don't want to watch the 1st season all over again, but I'm looking forward to the 2nd.

Ha, that's something they do ALL the time, and it kind of drives me crazy - Daryl did it last week. Daryl!! What about when a walker sneaks in there and hides in the back seat, huh? WHAT ABOUT THAT???

I thought, how the heck did they get hung up on something? Oh, a huge deep mud pit, sure, that's easy to overlook. And how did Rick miss seeing that fence from 3 miles away?

That would send a shiver down anyone's spine.

I was just making small talk until they show up.

I live in North Dakota. Believe me, I WISH we were important enough to inspire hate.

Will the hating Jersey shit ever fucking stop in America?