Sean Jungian

I don't usually read the reviews here for TWD because I find Zack's comments a slog. He always grinds the same ax, that this story isn't the story he wants to see.

Not even going to bother to read the comments this week, as I predict they are all variations of "TWD SUCKS THAT ENDING WAS SO STUPID".

And Mary. No word yet on the opinions of Harry, Larry, Carrie, or Barry in other backward and presumably low-intellect towns across America.

Slamming Topeka is fine but Fresno is where you draw the line?

Unnatural, that's what got me. I don't mind the symbolism, but ffs who eats an apple lying down in bed??? It's not a "thing", writers, and it just comes off hacky and lampshaded because of it.

We did.

Even anti-abortion nuts say "LIFE" begins at conception lol.

I know, I can't believe that made it into the script. She was only ever in danger because of his shitty philosophy, and he doesn't even have the awareness to see it?

I wanted that, too, in fact it looked like Rick was rolling his eyes in the car while Morgan was talking. I generally give this show a lot of leeway and I'm good at suspending my disbelief for the sake of narrative, but that whole Morgan bullshit is just too much to swallow. I GET IT, Saint Morgan of the Precious

That's why I think they're have her miscarry. We already went through the whole "zomg what if it's a zombie baby?" with Lori back in Seasons 2 & 3.

There really wouldn't be any appreciable difference between a living fetus and a zombie fetus from the outside with the single clear exception being that the zombie fetus would not grow.

I don't know if they've said exactly how far Hilltop is but yes, I'm pretty sure it's a ways, maybe 50-60 miles? But miscarriage at her stage of pregnancy wouldn't really necessitate a doctor - it would be more like having a heavy period.

Yeah, the comedy gold we expect from a joke account.

LOL no, no they don't.

I think she's having a regular miscarriage. And there's an OB over on Hilltop, if you'll recall.

While I'm actually with you for most of this, Daryl didn't go looking for Carol. He went in the other direction, to where Dr. Denise's body was, so he could track Dwight.

Gah, RIGHT??? I got all shouty during that sanctimonious dickbag's little sermon.

True, there is that.

Ugh, I finally crossed into "I hate Morgan" territory. Just shut the eff up already.

He knew Tuco was backed by the cartel, it was one of the reasons he gave for not killing him - that it would bring down too much attention from the cartel.