Sean Jungian

I don't really know why everyone goes so ga-ga over Morgan episodes. He's okay. I like the actor, he does a good job. But I don't find the character all that incredibly riveting.

I agree, he's a perfectly fine actor and I find him enjoyable to watch.

I wasn't super-enthused about it before but if it had to happen, this was a nice way for it to happen. I had personally rather hoped they would be extremely close platonic friends, just for it to be different from the same old tired romantic angle. But this was nice!

Personally it's one of my favorite episodes. I think Melissa McBride has done incredible things with her character. It is so wrenching. I absolutely don't blame her for pushing Sam away.

I felt that decision of hers was more realistic (choosing dick - and safety - over Michonne) for her character than the endless "I WANNA PRO-TECK THE GROUP NOT DO THE WIMMINS SHIT!" pseudo-feminist baloney she was saddled with up until Woodbury. And she struggled with and paid for that decision, which I found much

I can't say I really LIKED Lori but I always felt like I really understood her most of the time, at least as a mother. I despised Andrea for most of her run until she got to Woodbury, because she was written as such a feminist caricature. Once she got to Woodbury though they really seemed to write her as a real,

I do wish he'd either go with it or give it to another reviewer. Every review is the same "ugh, why isn't this show a different show that I like?" It's old. We get it, you don't like the show. You don't have to start gushing over it but please find a different tack with which to approach it.

I agree, I would like to see them be very close platonic friends.

Right, because like I said, the review can only be either how much the show sucks or how awesome and beyond reproach it is.

That could be.

Every time I try to read one of these reviews - I try once or twice a season, because I really would like to join in on the conversation - but every time, it's just more of Zach whining about how much he can't stand this show. Please, put someone else on this review. Every. Fucking. Time.

Yeah, the first blonde guy who jumped Rick and shot at him had a W.

"Unimpressive" describes it well. It was all right but certainly didn't stick with me like many other Pixar shorts.

So, Zack still hates this show, and is still writing the same tired complaining review of it. That's new.

I, too, have an undying love for young Mr. Swaim.

Ugh, I thought maybe I could start reading these reviews again, since Zack seemed to kinda sorta come around to not hating this show with every fiber of his being. But nope, he's still banging the drum that this show needs more hope. CRAPSACK WORLD TOO CRAPSACK!! I guess I'll never get it in the right way.

Hey, I read this! As for a flash-forward, while I like to think of it as more of a mental escape for Jesse during his forced servitude, but if you like to interpret it as a flash-forward, I don't suppose anything rules it out. Besides, who doesn't hope for Jesse to get SOME kind of happiness somewhere down the line?

Every review of this show by the AV Club seems to be: "It's awesomeness only points out how terrible this show is"

Thank you to everyone! Nice to see and hear from you, and thank you for your kind thoughts and words. Hope you are all well, spring is on it's way soon!

Just a note for those who know me and haven't seen me around lately, if you were wondering. Family illness back home. I might be thinking too much of myself by posting this, but thought a couple of you might be curious.