Sean Jungian

Gladstone was married but he's going through a divorce now. I'm surprised she put up with him for this long.

I used to post sometimes in the comments, dude will literally try to engage you in a battle of wits, yet his only weapon is broad condescension.

In complete agreement - seeing a new seanbaby article is like having an extra Christmas. Love Swaim, enjoy Felix Clay, DOB isn't too awful when he: a) has an editor to trim the fat and b) doesn't lean too heavily on the Ha Ha I'm Socially Awkward trope. Christina H. is…..meh. There are a few others I really enjoy.

I have found my people!

And now Patton Oswalt has dropped 3 tiers in my personal admiration sweepstakes.

A Gladstone music article: Here are songs I hate for no reasons I can articulate. Also, here's a picture of David Bowie, and also one of me when I was in a band. Ta da! These things write themselves.

He really is the fucking worst. I can tell by an article title if it's his (at Cracked) because it's always the same bullshit hyperbole about how much everything and everyone sucks. He is just boring.

Ugh, Gladstone is just awful. So many talented writers at Cracked, and somehow they keep him on. Absolutely hate his articles. He is just unrelievedly bitchy, and does not have any sort of wit to back it up.

That's exactly how I got hooked, Papertiger. I didn't realize there was a prior miniseries setting up the series itself, and started with "33". Pure adrenaline, even though I knew nothing about the characters or events other than remembering minor trivia about the original series.

It's MY way at least.

Pitch perfect explanation, gogiggs. Yet another reason I continue to carry a torch for this character and actor. Yes, I know he's dead, I don't care.

I didn't even read the article yet because I was in an all-fire hurry to get here and post that I have always and will always have a huge crush on Darren McGavin. I first saw this show in 4th grade during the initial series run - it just so happened that that was mom's bowling night and my dad didn't know what we were

I'm only going to speak up because of my own personal experience. I didn't speak to or see my father from 1993 until his death in 2010. Everyone told me if I didn't make up with him, I'd regret it, but I honestly never did. It was the only way, in my case.

Just want to second the legal benefits of marriage, particularly if you have children together. When you aren't married, you really don't have any protection for you and your kid.

Happy Holidays to you and everyone here Prole Hole! Sorry I've missed out the last couple weeks.

I like Ed Helms too, but here's the thing: he's simply not handsome
enough for this role. A big part of why Leslie Nielson was so successful
with the Frank Drebbin character is because he had
leading-man good looks as well as comic timing and an ability to "play
it straight". I really doubt Ed has what it takes for

I got pregnant while apartment-sitting for a friend, and I think about that every time I talk to her or see her on facebook. It's a very graphic memory.

I found it annoying because they already did the "baby carseat full of blood" thing, back in season 2.

Thank you for sharing that with us.

Yes, congratulations! And I'm glad you're still popping in at least. Some of us whackos do check the SL threads once or twice after the Wednesday workday. And we love you!