Sean Jungian

Mine was like that forever until one bored day I opened it up and just scrolled through it. Then it finally reset.

I hope things turn out the way that will make you both happiest. Best wishes, sincerely. Its a tough row and yours sounds like a very sensible solution for now. Hope you remain friends.

I already liked this, but I like it enough to write it out loud. This was just perfect, thank you @avclub-eaf402eeb9124200ac5a79cbc3355d72:disqus .

I think yeah, everyone thinks something like this at one time or another. But just not all the time.


Yeah, I still don't really believe the cliche either, and I've done probably all the same reading of this later Friend Zone crap.

Thank you, partdavid, for the compliment.

I'm everywhere! YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME!

Me too. If I'm going to be represented, I want it to be by someone far more clever and witty than myself.

Fortunately (or not?) my one-nighter phase has been over for coming-up-on 20 years, so it doesn't really matter so much.

Interestingly, I can't edit Disqus comments while I can edit AV Club comments.

Yes, or, mostly, in my case, I don't think there's any kind of fate or destiny at work in the universe.

Yeah, gotta second the "not a big believer in 'Ones'", I don't think there is One. That really implies a one-shot-only kind of thing in life, and that's simply not true. We have many opportunities.

I've actually never noticed your avatar (I can be really unobservant) but that is one of my favorite songs/videos.

I think we were probably asked to vote, but didn't feel like getting out of bed?

I guess this must be a not-uncommon experience, maybe? Gosh, I don't know. Like I said, not having him around has pained me a lot - I have dreams sometimes where I run into him, and he forgives me, and let me tell you, I have a great day after that kind of dream. Alternatively I dream he does NOT forgive me, and I

Right, I didn't know how/if it would apply, just that something about your story reminded me of this particular friendship.

Awww, Diabolik, you sound so provincial! It's cute (I'm teasing ya).

I want to add something here, though I'm not sure how it fits with what Rich Uncle is going through, exactly.

This is why so many choose to just take trophies, rather than keep the entire body. Low muss, low fuss, portable.