Sean Jungian

I am a veteran of a one-year post-divorce flurry of one-nighters, and, luckily, no one tried to kill me. I was generally traveling, so it was usually a hotel room scenario. It was kinda nice because your own room isn't a "long walk of shame" away.

Wow, Dikachu, that was a very cogent and insightful essay on marriage. Forgive me for being a little surprised! Well done!


During the 4th season attack, the Governor loses his other eye killing Glenn, so in the 5th season the Guv's lost both eyes. Rick has pity on him and, thinking the Guv is now neutered evil, lets him join the prison group, with Beth acting as his eyes. Everyone thinks he has turned over a new leaf (again) but there's a

She handed it off to her girlfriend to run after the kid for hide-and-seek. Still, no knife?

Yes, apparently the scent of line-dried sheets attracts zombies. Who knew?

As good an actor as he may be, Richard Dreyfus will never be an alpha male in any environment. But that's a possibility.

That was my read on it, too. And now a walker appeared right in the middle of their camp? After putting sentries on duty and reinforcing the perimeter? Mighty convenient, writers.

While….what's the macho alpha male equivalent of braiding each others' hair?

So with you on that. Last episode I had some fleeting hope that the Governor had become more nuanced.

Yeah, that sequence was kind of muddled for me, too. Anyone have a "Scene for Dummies" recap?

I loved him on Fringe. Didn't have time to even like him on Walking Dead.

Yeah. AGAIN.

So we're back to the same ol' same ol' with the Governor huh?

Well then, I stand corrected, I suppose.

Ha! Thanks for that.

So it's their way of forcing us to upvote whether the post merits it or not?

There is no runway or helicopter pad on my private island, so you'll have to hang-glide back to the mainland.

I'm no conspiracy nut, but I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if all this design-mandated merging of your online identity were something funded by Homeland Security or the NSA. Make us all easier to track.

Are those two groups the majority of the AV Club visitors? I suppose they very well might be, or may be the target audience at least.