Sean Jungian

Hey, that's actually pretty good!

Congrats on getting a job and new boots, and a sketchy backwoods bj!

Yeah, I finally checked it on my phone, and it looks all right, but it is really stripped down functionally.

Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today

I couldn't agree more. IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! JOYOUS!

He looks pretty handsome, doesn't he?

Do all of your sexual encounters start with seductive whisperings that gradually morph into comedy routines?

Consider that freeloading muthafuckah punched, my boy.

"How Persia Got Her Groove Back (with a grocery store bagger)"



I've griped elsewhere about the trend of designing/engineering exclusively for phones and tablets, but you bring up something else I'd like to gripe about, too: the trend to connect EVERYTHING about you with one ID.

We stay there every year when I take him to Monster Jam.

Nooooooooooo! Downvote! DOWNVOTE!

I think the problem with your scenario is that while she certainly has EVERY right to decide with whom she has sex, she hasn't shared this new information (I'm probaby not ever going to have sex with you) with him,

Something something, I got a Community notification for THIS?

He lives with me full-time, but yes, getting his room set up first was a priority, but he got a new bed & linens so it's still "Ooooooo so NICE!" feeling.

So, first we get TVs with remote controls so we don't have to get up and change the channel, and we end up with big wall-screen computers we have to stand at and touch to interact with?

Anecdotally speaking, my first time was extremely uncomfortable. I remember specifically asking him to please not move so much.

Wow, time for the sister to do some doctor shopping.