Sean Jungian

Does she give you any clues about what she wants to hear? There's just an entire vast spectrum of dirty talk available, but some of it that is hot to one might be a cold shower to another.

HA! I misunderstood.

I also like reading and discussing other peoples' perspectives on sexuality, but I like to chase down the "why" of it. It always fascinates me to speculate on where some of our desires come from, as well as how they are manifested and expressed.

I don't know, of course, but my sense is that cuckolding is more of a shared fantasy in dirty-talk, and not as much real-life doings. Not saying it doesn't happen, just that the stars probably don't align that often.

We are moved into and living in our new house! We're still not used to it though. My son says he feels like he's living in a nice hotel.

I appreciate your efforts, though!

Quit overreacting, it's still just a misdemeanor.

"full PEEN aside", you mean. Let's get our slang terms right, shall we?

Congrats on being over the hump on your divorce. It takes a while - I guess all things take time in life.

"I needed you, and you got a dog"

That's the precursor. Since it's for a Kardashian, I assumed it would be urine-scented.

I just got my bifocals adjusted, too.

For all digital design, really - phones and tablets. It's my main gripe.

Either, both, and every shade in between. I've discussed this fetish with some people who are into it before, and one of the things that comes through, besides the humiliation, is that the S.O. seems to take a lot of pride in his wife's or gf's sexuality, and gets off on her pleasure (as well as the other aspects).

Yeah, I'm in that "from 30% to 2%" participation group now, too.

Sorry, I didn't get a notification for this!

That sounds like a fragrance - the sweet stench of Desperation

He wasn't there for me, either.

@avclub-5b7e0a1ad5d9ac9ef3063b05f55b6d31:disqus, you, sir, have the strength of your convictions.

I too got the "I'm doing everything I'm supposed to and she's STILL not even close to giving it up" exasperation vibe, which I doubt it helping her anxiety (although I can understand his youthful exasperation, too).