Sean Jungian

The pages seem to me to be unnervingly HUGE. Like a vast construct that I'm only seeing part of on my screen.

My Disqus notifications always read "99" so it does me no good

From my vast experience of one day, the answer is "sometimes?"


It burns so many calories!

I'm not dead yet! I just think I'm going to fade out. My internet engagement and activity is directly inversely proportional to the busy-ness of my regular life, so when the NoDak winter rolls around and I can't go anywhere comfortably, and the evenings are dark and long, I might creep back here to sniff the snark

Nahhh, loading more comments didn't bother me. I liked the feature that would tell me "X new comments above/below".

To be fair to me, this is the first time I've said anything, I actually didn't mind nuDisqus, and said so.

They're pretty much designed to slide out in the event of a dump. I suppose it is theoretically possible to get it waaay jammed up there past the rectum and into the lower intestine.

Could be, but in any case, those would have to be some serious batteries to keep an ass plug vibrating all day.

Yeaaaaahhhhh I dunno…I remember going into his lawyers office with him one time and him grinning as they both looked me over, then dear old dad saying something to the effect of "I know, right?"

Yeah, and now I am reminded of how my father would point at me and snicker and wink whenever he introduced me to one of his work buddies.

I'd think your ass would go numb.

Yeah, I don't get it either, but I chalked it up to my advanced age.

Well, she's not my favorite character by any means, but neither do I hate her with the vitriol many here on the boards seem to. She's kind of a cypher to me - like, I don't quite know how she sees things in her own mind. I don't know if she's somehow regressed? Or has some sort of perceptual difficulty? Whatever it

"Hey Guv, THINK FAST!"

Well, remember, most of the Woodbury group consisted of the very old, the very young, and the infirm. Everyone else was recruited for the Governor's assault on the prison, and subsequently was murdered by him when they retreated - with the exception of Karen, who was one of the first to fall ill with the flu.

One of them prepared the Guv's tea too strong around the campfire one night - blammo. The other didn't get on board with one of the Guv's Freestyle Friday Rap Nights fast enough and also suffered the consequences.

I really hope they use him as some sort of comic relief now. I mean, he was completely owned last season. So I imagine them letting him in to be sort of a new-future Biff character - they let him wash the cars, dispose of the bodies, all the shit-work.

"Which will hereafter be held on Saturdays. Executive decision."