Sean Jungian

Ah, I should have just read 2 threads lower! I was wondering why no one mentioned this, isn't this the very first time we've seen any non-humans show any interest in the walking dead? I don't recall ever seeing any other creature besides humans showing any interest in the zombies.

Just chiming in to say that, while this review was LOADS less condescending, I too don't get the complaint about it being "too grim". I like my zombie apocalypse as grim as I can get it. But you have Herschel there, balancing some of that with hope, or at the very least with dignity.

"Coming dangerously close to Dale-levels of sanctimonious annoyance" is how I put it once, and liked it so much I'm presenting it again here with edits.

Those damn 47-percenters, at it again.

Gotta admit, I was channeling my dad with that one.

Nukes have no effect? Drat.

Yeah it seems like every time the reality of it should smack her in the face, it just lends itself to a new leaf in her delusion.

Does this mean cabs is going to hulk out when people spell it wrong, like everyone did for the great Skylar/Skyler Crisis during BB?

Why don't they just nuke it from orbit?



Well I always assumed it was Herschel.

Agreed, tonight I found I love me some old alcoholic Santa Claus rising to the occasion.

I think that when Darryl finds out about Carol, he's going to want to go find her - look how long he spent looking for Sophia. I think Michonne is likely to go with him. I honestly think its because they'll want a trial of some sort - like they don't really disagree with Rick, but this unilateral decision to exile is

Or has a Rupert Pupkin style talk show set and practices interviewing walkers from whom he's removed the teeth and arms.

Who says we're ambulatory? That's very ableist of you. Hmmf.

And pro-life claptrap. And shooting Darryl in the arm.

Apologies to ferrets everywhere. I shall henceforth refer to him as the One-Eyed Weasel King.

Welcome back!

Welcome back!