Sean Jungian

OHHHH okay, what about Lizzie Borden Jr. playing with the pooled blood on the floor with the toe of her boot?

I knew it was probably coming but I was in pretty deep denial. Seeing his feretty face was just UGH. Please, retire the Guv.

This was my favorite episode of the season UNTIL that ending.

No, you're not the only one. I love this episode, I really did - it was a standout for Herschel, Glenn, Rick and Carl.

Herschel is officially a superhero now.

I saw this in the theater at the tender age of 29, and here's my example of how well the practical-mixed-with-digital effects worked: when I left the theater, I found myself scanning the tops of the nearby trees. After a few seconds it dawned on me that I was looking to make sure there wasn't a T-Rex lurking there.

Ha! Yes, that about sums it up.

We have it here, in the heart of Norway West (North Dakota). Like all Norwegian food, it is…..an acquired taste. Speaking only of Norwegian food with flavors that can be detected, of course.

Friendship really IS *Magic*!

Well, that's why I think the whole "do a chimp" think is purely fantasy. For all we know she felt pressured to join in the kink conversation and just blurted out the first weird thing she could think of.

But he didn't say HIS fantasy was the chimp!

Ha! My FIRST ex-husband was a home brewer too! :S Oy.

You'll get even better. I can't tell you the perverse thrill I get out of my ex having to move back home and take a job with his daddy, living in a rental shack, while I just bought a new home in a swanky neighborhood. Eat shit, ex.

The only thing that occurs to me about this letter is, since it's being written to a sex advice columnist, maybe they were spending all their travel time & budget in, like Thailand and other heavy-duty-sex-touristy places, where they may not want to bring their kid?

FotF is one of my pet "ARRRGH" organizations too. I don't think you're being insensitive, you told Friend A how you felt and what you would do if you attend, you didn't just show up and make a scene. In no way do I think you should just grin and bear it without saying anything. Friend A has the facts, and, knowing

Give it time, right after a breakup is the economic worst it's going to be. You'll climb out.

Aaaaah, so you plan to be celibate.

Yeah, having a child didn't stop me from traveling quite a bit - he made several cross-country trips with me before school-age. My desire for travel has faded considerably since then, but by no means is it impossible. It can be very culturally educational to expose a child to an expanded world.

That's the impression I got as well. And it's not a demerit against either of them, IMO. People change, their priorities change. If their relationship is as good as she purports, they should be able to work it out in one way or another.

Me too!