Sean Jungian

I upvoted but I'm gonna give you a hearty "YAY ILLINOIS!" as well.

He commented on it at the end of the column.

I am choosing to believe the kinky septuagenarian is Patrick Stewart, and I have some ideas for him…

I'll just chime in here with my usual "not every fantasy is necessarily something the fantasizer wants to do in real life, sometimes they just enjoy fantasizing about it".

She says in the letter that "we were planning on having a child next year" so I assume it's something they did discuss. It's always possible that he wasn't as thrilled about the discussion as she was, and went along with it just to keep the peace, but I'm going to take the letter at face value.

I blurted out "WAAAAAAALTERRRRRR!!!!"

I am all for the easy way out.

He still had 2 lackeys, didn't he?

The exile solutions totally threw me for a loop, too. I expected him to possibly kill her, or just learn more about why she did it and then deciding. But I really didn't expect him to just leave her there.

I agree, exactly this. Honestly, I don't see where it matters that Rick has done similar things and this makes him some kind of hypocrite. I think he'll probably have to face consequences for exiling Carol, but I also think he'll be forgiven for it and ultimately most of the prison group will side with him, for the

Ditto on wanting to smack Tyreese around a bit. I find his depthless rage pointless, although it was more palatable in this episode than in the previous one.

I respect your opinion, even though I disagree at least in part. It's not really an award-winning show overall, but there has been some really fine work done in cinematography, in SFX, in sound design, and in directing (not consistently). But I do think the actors do a pretty incredible job sometimes with

Personally, this is my favorite season so far. I like that the antagonist has shifted from "Cartoonishly Evil Local Warlord" to "We Have Seen the Enemy and He Is (quite possibly) Us". The characters have developed almost in spite of the first 2 seasons. The newer characters are better-handled in terms of development -

Because krazy.


Sheesh, be serious, they clearly didn't have enough time to do that right.


I'm sure Tyreese will give that point long, careful, thoughtful and judicious consideration before he tears her throat out.

Holy crap, he exiled Carol!!!

"So far he just seems like a really irrelevant character to get D'Angelo Barksdale for"